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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. He's been using that for years, unfortunately.
  2. Didn't look much, but there's one clip on YouTube. Just kind of runs through like 5 or 6 defenders, then scores. No clue why he didn't think to pass throughout the whole situation.
  3. I voted Boyd because I'd like them both to have been signed. Just to give us more options for cheap, even if they both don't pan out there's not too much risk.
  4. It doesn't destroy the "no capital outlay" statement. It just means we've spent some money on a player, whether that money is going to be funded by the sale of any of our current players or out of the club's (.i.e. Ashley's) funds is the test. We won't know if there has been capital outlay on new players until the window ends. We don't even know what capital outlay means.
  5. Danny Simpson could never be accused of being average. Too lazy to type out anything else, he'll have to live with it for now.
  6. Well, looks like we have three average right-backs now. Was hoping we'd sign a better one, but he's versatile, and we'll need that. Should be decent enough.
  7. Fucking weird seeing him in Newcastle stuff.
  8. Terrible written article. Also says "former Man United star."
  9. Alright Bob Bradley, lets start right away to get this kid to play for America.
  10. Their fingers look approximately the same length tbf to him.
  11. As if the likes of Uruguay, Spain or Holland wouldn't do a party of the same quality. Have you ever tried Dutch or Spanish beer? There's good Spanish beer, just not the mainstream brands. Amstel's areet imo. Streets ahead of Heineken. Why are the popular beers always shite? It doesn't make any sense. It's not like they're cheaper than good beers. Cause the masses like shite? Always have, always will.
  12. So many better beers than Heineken, it could be worse though. Not sure why it's so popular. Tbf though, all beer taste like piss, really.
  13. As an American, I'm proud to say I understood this joke. That is all.
  14. Can very easily see Germany beating Spain.
  15. They only do that with the Latin and East European names. They really could try a bit harder with African ones. Makes me cringe the way they say some. One that annoys me an inordinate amount is when they show images of people in the crowd during international tournaments and they are extremely nervous or depressed until they notice they are on television and start jumping and dancing. Yes, seriously. Yesterday, after Brazil lost they showed two fans, who immediately jumped around and smiled when they were on TV.
  16. Mertin Tyler over here has no clue who he's looking at when they show the celebrities. The first time, I think it was Mick Jagger and DiCaprio, just completely silent. Then that last time, again, silent. Comes out with some statement, "A lot of celebrities enjoying the game here today..." To be fair to him, I had no clue who they were.
  17. IF there's one reason I'd want Argentina to lose it's Gabriel Heinze.
  18. Had to leave the house around the 70th minute. Asked for play-by-play from a friend through text, received about one from eight different people after the Suarez handball. What a man.
  19. I hate that Kingson's played so well in this tournament. He's supposed to be shit!
  20. Wouldn't that mean he would've gotten the hat trick?
  21. Yeah, that whole winning the final definitely means no one but those teams deserve it. One word: Greece. Actually nah, two words: Greece. Joke. Sucks, but, they did it, they deserve it. Don't see how Netherlands don't deserve it if they win. Because being deserving of something has never come into it, but not being deserving of something match after match is taking it a bit far. If they get to the final and really put in a good footballing performance, I'll say they deserve it, but so far they've got where they are through 2 goalkeeping errors, and 2 tap ins from Sneijder. They've shown nothing note-worthy imo. Two goalkeeping errors Stekelenburg didn't make, and two tap-ins Yakubu would've missed. Can only beat whose put in front of you, regardless of manner. And they've done that, plus beat Brazil, which should make anyone deserved of it.
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