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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. And the cable goes out, right when they score. Fuck you weather.
  2. Fuck the local news and their split screen! Tornadoes never happen here.
  3. Weather is terrible here, another tornado warning, third in the past two weeks. If my TV cuts out, someone at ABC will die.
  4. After we lost yesterday, my initial thought went to Newcastle, then I feel into a deep depression and drank cheap scotch for the rest of the night.
  5. http://imgur.com/mGDYK.gifhttp://imgur.com/mGDYK.gifhttp://imgur.com/mGDYK.gif Really though I didn't see what he said. What did he say? Something about how we're all foreign cunts.
  6. Fuck that. You guys are all about monarchy, make him King.
  7. Conceding defeat with the Heskey sub.
  8. Barry should've never brought that down.
  9. The existence of is thread will be the reason the World Cup thread doesn't reach 1000 pages.
  10. Rooney dives and has a go at the ref. Cunt.
  11. You guys should put a tax on referee uniforms and flags and shit, that'll show 'em.
  12. The media is going to kick this teams ass, especially as they were the only ones acting as if Germany would be a cakewalk.
  13. Definitely more Terry's fault, he can't let that ball bounce behind him.
  14. In the Cunt but Quality/Nice but Shit ratio, he's definitely 100% in the former. Seriously, hate it that he's good along with it.
  15. What did Ashley Cole's parents do to him to make him such a cunt?
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