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Everything posted by Bele_nine

  1. I've had many an argument defending Danny but even the lad I usually kick off with was saying how class he has been In The last 3 games. This is from a kid who thought smith was a bette player!
  2. I seen the incident with the elderly woman and i didnt see anyone giving her abuse. The lad she was talking to did refuse to sit down and it didnt help matters that he was easily over 6 foot tall. She kept speaking to the stewards but they didnt speak to the lad in front of her. She wasnt forced to leave at all she was kindly moved to a better seat along with another woman closer to the pitch where no one was standing. Im not justifying the actions of anybody here, just letting people know what i seen as oppossed to what is written in the Ronnie Gill.
  3. Bele_nine

    Season Tickets

    Iv just spoke to the box office about the 10 year season tickets and the people that will be moved. I was informed of the following, • the new family section will take over 2 of the blocks that are currently occupied by "leazes corner" (blocks a and b). • the next block or 2 (c and d) will then be occupied by the new young adults section. • the away allocation is being increased so the away section will become bigger taking over blocks g and h. • the remaining two blocks will most likely be used as overflow for the 18-21 section and away fans when needed. • ALL adult season tickets in the L7 leazes corner will most likely be moving because of the above. • we will be given priority seating anywhere else in the ground. • applications will be in with us in the next 7 days. • if you want to stay sat with someone you will have to provide a letter with their supporter number as we will not be moved to seats with the people we are sat with now like last time unless specified.
  4. Bele_nine

    Players in public

    f*** aye, the one that stalks all the players !! haha bless. Me and my mates call her Jenas' number 1 fan because she used to follow him round when he played for us and had i love jenas on the back of her shirt
  5. Bele_nine

    Alan Pardew

    My mate that i go to the match with sent me a text this afternoon saying that if Pardew is the next manager then he wont go any more, we have had season tickets for the last 11 years and go to plenty of away games and I’m starting to think along the same lines. I honestly didn’t think that there was anything that would make me want to stay away on a match day, I wasn’t put off by relegation like many. Fat Sam’s horrible brand of Football didn’t invoke feeling of dismay, just displeasure. Joe Kinnear at least gave us a few laughs before almost popping his clogs. Bloody hell even Dennis Wise and the cockney mafia didn’t put me off but Christ on a f**king stick Alan Pardew!?!?!?!?! It doesn’t make any f**king sense man, just think of the managers that have come before him if he is appointed. Hughton - a fine up and coming manager, still had a lot to learn but for what he had he was achieving more then any of us on this forum or anyone on the planet for that matter thought was possible. Keegan - A legend at this club as both a player and a manager, he was made to look a fool by the board and made himself look stupid in the process but it was an appointment that everyone backed. Fat Sam – No ones favorite manager but came here with a decent reputation for what he achieved at Bolton but didn’t manage to take the step up to match our expectations. Souness – see above although was in the process of taking Blackburn down when we brought him in. Sir Bobby – I don’t think I even need to say anything here. The legend that is Bobby Robson will be remembered forever more by the fans of this club for what he brought to us. Dalglish and Gullit – Both came in and had achieved things with there previous clubs but didn’t manage it with us. Keegan – the first time round he will be remembered as fondly as bobby. I could go further back and talk about managers that didn’t do well like Ardiles, Jim Smith or Gordon Lee or I could talk about the Joe Harvey’s and Stan Seymore’s of this world and no matter which one I pick out I honestly, and this is the god honest truth struggle to think that if I was offered Pardew or any of or pervious managers no matter which one, even the worst managers we have had who I would actually pick because for me Pardew is on a par with the worst managers I can think of and I know I have missed out certain managers from our recent past but they don’t really matter. I as a Newcastle Supporter, (I’m not a fan my obsession with this football club runs far deeper then being a general fan, I would class my self as a fan of Oasis or Led Zeplin, I would class myself as a fan as Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair but when it comes to the Toon I breath the life of our club and to think that something or some one makes me even contemplate staying away is upsetting to say the least) will always be truly grateful to Chris Hughton for the last 18 month as he has being nothing but honorable and treat the club and the fans with respect.
  6. I heard people singing this at the sunderland match. Who's the player we love the most, We na we na, he comes from the ivory coast, ya na ya na, he better then me, hes better then you, he better then Messi and Kanu, Cheick Tioté, F**ked the mackems up.
  7. Bele_nine

    Shola Ameobi

    http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/2028/image16forpremiershipga.jpg http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/8274/bigsamvstiote.png
  8. Iv been thinking about this one and have come up with this When the ball hit the net It's not Gyan or Bent, It's Ben Arfa, When he crosses the ball And the Toon Army score, That's Ben Arfa! Running down the pitch, Running down the pitch, Running down the pitch, That's Ben Arfa! When he runs down the wing All the Geordies will sing Oh Ben Arfa!
  9. Bele_nine

    Players in public

    Harper, foster, carroll, both taylors, perch, Nolan, lovenkrands and goslin all in osbournes in jesmond tonight until about 8ish.
  10. http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/1448/010278874716500.jpg i think he is modeling himself on mario
  11. rite people just a really quick one that ive knocked up taking into account suggestions from this thread. i will make a few more designs once i have a few hours to sit down and spend a good amount of time to make it look really good. it may be the weekend before i have a chance to do anything due to work and the likes. http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/7830/bobbykit1copy.png http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/1031/bobbykit2copy.png if people want to start suggesting what would be the best style for this shirt it might give me a better idea of what to design.
  12. Ive tried to contribute in the past under an old account that must have been deleted due to inactivity, hopefully this can be the start of my 2nd attempt. I will keep checking back to see if there are any updates, but for now i might start knocking up some MOC UPs of the kit just for fun and if you like them then feel free to use them.
  13. Areet all, I read the forum all the time but never post. iv come across this thread today and think that its a good idea as long as the kits are good quality and its well advertised so people know exactly what it is about and to get the message of support for the SBRF out to a wider network. this is where i might be able to help you guys out. im into graphic design and advertising and would be more then willing to lend my hand in designing the Kit or a new logo for it, designing posters/flyers to advertise the kit or even do some web design if it help out.
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