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Everything posted by sparkzter

  1. I had to go the crons fb page and post a positive well done type of comment after reading the comments about it on here. Was shocked at the total heads buried opinions of loads of them on it, knew there were a few out there but fuck sake!! Depressing as hell.
  2. Pardew has even managed to kid himself on, he actually believes it isn't that bad.
  3. Probably scared of getting banned by Ashley's gestapo. No excuse like. Gotta be, what an utter tit he is.
  4. Is Mick lowes deliberately being a dick? Seriously, how can't he see how bad it is?
  5. Sack this idiot now please.
  6. haha, you would never believe this is a nufc forum, get in Swansea!
  7. sparkzter

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    GTFI. If only that were true. Not quite true, unfortunately, if the story I've been given by one of my workmates who works matchdays in the "inner sanctum" areas is correct. He reckons there was a bust up between HBA and Pardew, leading to Ben Arfa being restrained in a headlock by Shola . He also says that the majority of players have no time for Ben Arfa. Could be s***, who knows, just throwing this into the ring. Same majority of players who suck ass. Talk about alienating our most creative talent because the culture of cloggers has taken over. Well whatever the rumours it's a total mess. Ben Arfa deserves much better, hope he gets a good club and manager where he'll be allowed to play football and not be stifled by shit tactics.
  8. sparkzter

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Sauce? Usual - heard it from someone how knows a bloke at the club, came from junior squad player who was in the dressing room. Could be fuck all but you never know, I've heard loads of these types of stories. Just thought I'd share it.
  9. sparkzter

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    There are rumours coming out of a big bust up between all the players and Pardew/Carver after the man utd game. Not just Ben Arfa, seemingly Pardew and Carver had to walk out. Dunno how much of it is true but just about all of the players were having a go seemingly.
  10. No offence, but this combined with the request for Ashley's email address suggests you are pretty naive. If Ashley was worried about Pardew getting us relegated he'd have sacked him last summer, when Pardew nearly got us relegated. Supposedly it was Llambias who persuaded Ashley to give Pardew another chance as Ashley was ready to sack him at the end of last season. He hasn't got that support any more so could he be more vulnerable than previously? And if it comes down to money then Pardew is losing Ashley money at the moment. No TV games for the longest period I can ever recall because we are now so uninteresting with nothing to play for and boring to watch as well, the cancellation of season tickets, the decrease in the value of our players. If our best players have had enough and want to leave, Ashley is going to have to replace them and if he decides to take a risk then he will end up panic-buying in January and may well have sacked Pardew by then. Better to do it sooner rather than later. Well I can live in hope. Cheers! Summed up what I was thinking give or take! Fair enough. I still don't think there's an end in sight. Got to have some glimmer of hope even if it's really slim, utterly depressing right now though.
  11. No offence, but this combined with the request for Ashley's email address suggests you are pretty naive. If Ashley was worried about Pardew getting us relegated he'd have sacked him last summer, when Pardew nearly got us relegated. Supposedly it was Llambias who persuaded Ashley to give Pardew another chance as Ashley was ready to sack him at the end of last season. He hasn't got that support any more so could he be more vulnerable than previously? And if it comes down to money then Pardew is losing Ashley money at the moment. No TV games for the longest period I can ever recall because we are now so uninteresting with nothing to play for and boring to watch as well, the cancellation of season tickets, the decrease in the value of our players. If our best players have had enough and want to leave, Ashley is going to have to replace them and if he decides to take a risk then he will end up panic-buying in January and may well have sacked Pardew by then. Better to do it sooner rather than later. Well I can live in hope. Cheers! Summed up what I was thinking give or take!
  12. No off No offence, but this combined with the request for Ashley's email address suggests you are pretty naive. If Ashley was worried about Pardew getting us relegated he'd have sacked him last summer, when Pardew nearly got us relegated. No offence taken mate, the email address was tongue in cheek, would still send in an email to the fucker though. Not naive, the performance this season have been even worse than previous, I think Ashley needs to protect his investment or he stands to loose loads of money. I could be wrong but hanging onto a bit of hope. Im in my forties, have seen plenty of shit with this club and been going for years. Trust me, I'm not naive, just dumb for continuing my support!
  13. I think he will be sacked this summer, Ashley just can't risk being relegated. He isn't blind, he has seen the games. He must know keeping Pardew is gonna drag us down, he just can't have that.
  14. Doubt there was any truth in it. However Ashley has to see these games and players we have, if he wants to protect his investment against relegation there is no way he can carry on as is. Doubt he is gonna sanction spending with Pardew at the helm, once again, stick or twist, he is a gambling man. Wait till Christmas and it'll be too late IMO. He has to be thinking about replacing him.
  15. Desperate to send this prick my thoughts on him, will do fuck all but maybe will help my blood pressure a bit!
  16. Does anyone have an email or contact for Mike Ashley? His pa/secretary etc?
  17. I often think about this. Come to the conclusion they won't turn. Total apathy has set in. My non nufc supporting mates can't believe he doesn't get a hard time.
  18. 0 -5 with finally anti Pardew chants from the crowd. (Pfffft, as if!)
  19. Depressing, hugely depressing.
  20. I don't go to the games. When we win it's usually because we've played ok football with Remy in the side. And if we don't we get utterly dicked. Either way we're not boring for the neutral. We most certainly were last season, mind. I take your point about it not being boring for the neutral, but for fans of nufc it's totally painful and miserable. Even with Remy playing we aren't good, he is just a class above and gets the goals.
  21. ok football? I've been going to different games as you it seems.
  22. sparkzter


    they'll win tonight i think.
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