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Away Toon

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Everything posted by Away Toon

  1. Away Toon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Hatem Ben Arfa a quitté l'entraînement de l'OM au bout d'un quart d'heure ce jeudi après-midi. Après une rencontre avec l'entraîneur Didier Deschamps, Ben Arfa a donc marqué sa déception en quittant la Commmanderie. Et semble bien décidé à aller jusqu'au bout. L'ancien lyonnais, déclaré indésirable en début de mercato, veut quitter le club pour rejoindre l'Angleterre et Newcastle mais l'OM s'y oppose. Le président Dassier a convoqué une conférence de presse exceptionnelle ce soir. HBA left training after only 15 minutes Thursday afternoon After a meeting with the trainer Didier Deschamps, Ben Arfa showed his unhappiness by leaving the training ground. He seems decided to see this through to the bitter end. The former Lyon player, previously given permission to leave the club at the beginning of the transfer window, wants to leave the club to join Newcastle, however Marseille have now changed their minds. President of OM M. Dassier has called an exceptional press conference for this evening
  2. Away Toon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Plus certains, les départs de Hatem Ben Arfa et Benoît Cheyrou devraient intervenir cette semaine. Celui du premier est acquis. Le milieu offensif aimerait filer au Werder Brême ou à Newcastle, tandis que José Anigo a discuté avec une délégation d'Hoffenheim vendredi. Le club allemand, qui peut prendre en compte le salaire de Ben Arfa, pourrait proposer à l'international des conditions légèrement plus avantageuses qu'à l'OM grâce aux primes. More certain are the departures of Hatem Ben Arfa and Benoit Cheyrou which should be confirmed this week. The first mentioned is nailed on. The attacking midfielder would like to leave for Werder Bremen or Newcastle, though Jose Anigo has spoken with a management delegation from Hoffenheim last friday. The german club are prepared to pay his salary, and can also offer the international, slight more advantageous terms that at L'OM due to the bonus system.
  3. Ben Arfa is a talented but troubled soul like most young people of his ethnicity in France. Marseille despite having massive fan support have no money (similar to us) and need to sell before they can strengthen for the upcoming season, and obviously feel that they can raise some significant funds by selling him. Although he's good he's totally inconsistent and if you think that Jonas hangs on to the ball too long and runs with his head down just wait until you see this boy. If he was cheap and background checks in to his present state of mind were positive he'd be worth a gamble. Time permitting if at any point an accurate translation is required from the French I can do it.
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