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Everything posted by Ginola

  1. Just got to win our last two, which will be far from easy, and hope Arsenal/Spurs drop points. I don't think we will, but it's been a fucking fantastic season regardless.
  2. Ginola

    Papiss Cissé

    I actually shouted that when he scored. My dog went fucking mental anarl
  3. I'm not going to be able to sleep after seeing that goal. Brilliant all round performance from the team as well.
  4. Ginola

    Papiss Cissé

    That was fucking stupid. Nobody does that
  5. Gotta be switched on from the off in the second half. Try and keep the pressure on them.
  6. Shame Cruz Azul only drew. Devils won though, good start to the hockey bet.
  7. Velez, Cruz Azul double. NJ Devils, NY Rangers, Phoenix Coyotes, LA Kings trebles and 4-fold.
  8. They're 13/10 on Willhill. I was considering Velez myself though.
  9. Stoke's second best goal of the season then?
  10. I'll survive if I don't see my quid again. Plus, I'll drink my own piss if they don't win. 1-0 Fulham
  11. Did not expect NY to be the ones to lose there. Only about £10 profit from that instead of the £70ish profit (I think) it would've been had NY won.
  12. Finished 2-0 Hopefully the two remaining teams in my Ice Hockey trixie will increase my profit tonight.
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