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Posts posted by RupertCommunicator

  1.                     Krul


    Simpson  Saylor  Coloccini  Enrique


    Raylor    Barton  Guthrie  Ferguson


            Shameobi  Lovenkrands


    To be fair, happy with that team.  Only difference is I would have started Sammiobi or G-Unit rather than McLoven.  It is important we finish above the unwashed, otherwise they will be telling their grandkids about this moment!

  2. Pardew rubbished reports of links with West Ham's Demba Ba and Wigan winger and former Magpies player Charles N'Zogbia as 'unsavoury' due to the positions of both teams.



    Doesn't mean we shouldn't cheer for Weeegan to go down so we can pillage wor Zog back, never mind the fact that their fans do not deserve a premiership berth...

  3. He'll probably be 2nd choice next year, hope he can keep up the standard he had going before he got injured. He's got the determination, a lot of good physical attributes and has a very strong goals record so :thup:


    I fucking hope not!  Yes, he's a reasonable player, but if he's our second best CF next season I think we'll have failed in the transfer market.

  4. It would appear that the top six places are sewn up without spending well beyond our means.  This also goes for everyone else too.


    So...  Should our target for next season be 7th place, winning the 'Best of the rest'?


    Realistic rivals - Everton and Villa are the big two.  I can't see Stoke, Fulham, Sunderland or Bolton putting up a serious challenge for 7th, so we should definitely be finishing 7th-9th.


    I think if we spend 30 million plus we can comfortably finish 7th and perhaps in 2-3 years time challenge Liverpool, Tottenham and Arsenal for 4th-6th places.


    Unless the financial fair play rules amount to anything (which I don't think they will) the top three have it sewn up until their sugar daddies leave town.

  5. Simpson would be a real weak point in a 4-3-3. I always feel you need your full backs to provide some attacking width in that formation.


    His crossing has been good at times though, and I feel he is still improving.  I think he could develop into a class RB or RWB TBH.

  6. I would fancy:




    Simpson  New CB  Colo  New LB


                Barton            Jonas


                    New CF  New CF


    I reckon two big strong strikers would do the job.  Having Barfa behind doing the pretty stuff (or Nolan as backup) would allow two big players to sit high up and bully goals out of teams.  I also fancy that Barton and Jonas could play in a more narrow fashion, pulling in to help Barfa when required.  It's not like we're spoilt for crossing ability, and Jose going will get rid of the Left Flank tactic.  If we need to spread play, New LB and Simpson can push up since Tiote will sit back and provide cover.

  7. Why Liverpool though?  They're not a big club anymore!  Not going to win anything for a long time, fans are cunts and financial uncertainty!  It's like when Zog 'promoted' himself to Wigan.  Look where that got him!


    I really hope we continue to progress and one day have European football while Carroll and Jose look on from home in Merseyside...

  8. What a fat shitcunt!  Got to be up there with Luque and Boumsong in the bad signing stakes!  He looked like a pub team player when he was on the pitch and has been a total prick off it. Fuck off back to Laahndahn you fat bent twat.

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