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Posts posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. As funny as it is, it just shows how much interest Ranger has in this club - zero, apart from his wages.




    Is it not a fair point?


    No, as going by his post history on the subject all he's ever done is trashtalk Ranger so for him it's just another opportunity to link something bad to him. I think it's a case of Ranger being dim rather than not giving a s*** about things. I dare say that it's quite certain that whilst he's not been good enough this season by far, he still wants his team to win when he's out there playing.


    I'll do you a deal.  I'll stop writing him off when he either scores a Premier League goal for us or leaves the club.  I would welcome either.


  2. Africa has had trillions of dollars of aid given to it for decades.  And what good has it done?  Less than nothing.  Money spent on presidential palaces and weapons used in civil wars.  Oxfam money going on teaching terrorism in Palestine, food aid feeding families of 15 with no hope of ever self-sustaining.  Bob Geldof has done pretty nicely out of Africa too, not to mention the chuggers who earn a fortune feeding off our guilt.


    But yeah, fuck Plymouth Argyle.  Fuck english people, carry on pouring our money down the drain that is Africa.  It's not like our money couldn't be wasted any more flagrantly by these 'charities'


    Charity starts at home, Plymoth Argyle were magnificent when we got promoted.  How do you donate?



  3. at school now, this totally f***ed up my concentration. (not that hard with AD-DS not being very much fun)


    Absent Dick - Downs Syndrome?


    almost :p


    Anyway, how the fuck are you on here when at School?!  When I was at school we just got thrashed on Maths and English and stuff!


    It wasn't until I got to work that I learned how to skive in style!  (Not at work ATM! :p)

  4. From beating Barcelona in the Champions League to finishing above Sunderland,how times have changed.


    From a 2011/12 European Campaign to finishing above the Mags, how quickly times have changed...


    Wuz gonna finish in Europe...then...


    Wuz gonna finish above the dorty mags...then...


    Wuz not gonna get relegated...then...


    Can't wait for next season!  Maybe we'll see them take their points record back from Derby? :D

  5. Solano looked very good fairly often, but rarely great. Ginola gets the nod on the right, for me anyway.


    Solano was always good.  Rarely brilliant, but always good.  Great crosser of the ball and good set pieces.  Ginola on the left, Robert was way too inconsistent. Either amazing or a waste of a place in the team.


    But usually the former. Solano had more ineffective games - just for different, less obvious reasons.

    i know what you are getting at. often away from home what he done,he done well but too often there wasn't much of it.


    I think Solano needed others to give him the ball.  He wasn't a fighter who would do a 20ft slide tackle in the mud in Hull when losing 2-0, but I think when surrounded by our best players, he would flourish, especially with Shearer and Ferdinand on the end of his deliveries.

  6. Solano looked very good fairly often, but rarely great. Ginola gets the nod on the right, for me anyway.


    Solano was always good.  Rarely brilliant, but always good.  Great crosser of the ball and good set pieces.  Ginola on the left, Robert was way too inconsistent. Either amazing or a waste of a place in the team.


    But usually the former. Solano had more ineffective games - just for different, less obvious reasons.


    Bit of the old rose tinted spectacles there, mate!  I'd say it was 70/30 - shit/great for Robert.  Why do you think he did absolutely nothing after he left us?  His freekicks were amazing when they went in, but again, he would pound 90% of them into row Z.

  7. Solano looked very good fairly often, but rarely great. Ginola gets the nod on the right, for me anyway.


    Solano was always good.  Rarely brilliant, but always good.  Great crosser of the ball and good set pieces.  Ginola on the left, Robert was way too inconsistent. Either amazing or a waste of a place in the team.

  8.                       Given


    Beye  Woodgate  Coloccini  Enrique


    Solano                                 Ginola


                 Shearer Ferdinand






    Ben Arfa




    This team would absolutely piss the Premier League this season.  :pedro:

  9. I'm a little bit afraid that the final is just going to be the World Diving Championships in overdrive.


    Cue 90 mins of tedious rolling around from Nani, Little P-Nis, Messi, Rooney, etc etc etc etc zzzzzzzzzz...........

  10. I've said Simpson, purely because I thought he was a Championship level player at the end of last season, and now he is a solid PL RB.


    I already new Barton was class, and he was class, for the first half of this season.  Been pretty pants last couple of games though.

  11. It's a good thing the club doesn't judge players based on the bifurcated standard of "amazing" or "not good enough for the prem sell immediately."


    This.  He is a decent RB who could be very good in the future.  We'd do very well to find a better RB who'd be willing to come to our club under our wage structure.

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