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Posts posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Messi is f***ing awesome, what is it? 53 goals this season  :lol:


    for all its an astonishing achievement the gulf in class between the big 2 teams and everyone else sours it slightly imo, i'd absolutely love to see him playing over here but its never gonna happen


    It's overplayed IMO. The rest of La Liga isn't that bad. Atletico are current holders of the UEFA Cup, Villarreal are in the semis of that same competition this year, Sevilla and Valencia both decent as are Athletic.


    Comparing the top 9 in La Liga compared to the Premier League

    Barcelona v Man Utd - Barcelona - We'll see!  Would you wager piss on it?!

    Real Madrid v Chelsea - Madrid - Close one.

    Valencia v Arsenal - Arsenal shade it - No shading about this one

    Villarreal v City - Villarreal shade it - Not a chance in hell!

    Bilbao v Spurs - Spurs - Agree

    Sevilla v Liverpool - Sevilla - Disagree

    Atletico Madrid v Everton - Atletico - Close one

    Espanyol v Bolton - Espanyol - Don't know

    Mallorca v Fulham - Mallorca - Don't know


    What about the bottom 10?  There is no way La Liga is vastly better than the PL.


  2. Messi is f***ing awesome, what is it? 53 goals this season  :lol:


    for all its an astonishing achievement the gulf in class between the big 2 teams and everyone else sours it slightly imo, i'd absolutely love to see him playing over here but its never gonna happen


    It's overplayed IMO. The rest of La Liga isn't that bad. Atletico are current holders of the UEFA Cup, Villarreal are in the semis of that same competition this year, Sevilla and Valencia both decent as are Athletic.


    UEFA Cup counts for absolutely fuck all.  Boro nearly won it for god's sake!

  3. Why should we waste £4m on Ireland when he blatantly is a massive risk for not much gain?


    Just because we've got 30 millionish to spend doesn't mean we should spend it for the sake of spending it.


    If I had £5000 in the bank, I wouldn't withdraw £500 and then flush it down the toilet just because I had spare money.

  4. Shalke should be given a bye to play Man Ure in the final in place of this pair of disgusting excuses for a team.


    What an anti-advert for Spanish football last night was.  If this is their Old Firm, then what is there to like about La Liga?


    Boring football, diving, whinging, handbags, moaning managers, seriously.  Just play some sodding football.

  5. Diving should be an instant red card.  It's not like a foul where you could unintentionally catch an opponent badly (normally yellow card).  It's a deliberate attempt to win a free kick or at worst a pelanty, which has a serious effect on the game.  The risk of a yellow card (which refs are too cowardly to give out usually) isn't any deterrent when the reward could be turning one point into three.


    Also, divers should definitely get dun on video evidense retrospectively if the ref didn't see it originally.  Punishment should be a five match ban.


    That way, diving is too much a risk to attempt it.  Again, you can't accidentally dive, the same way you can't accidentally punch someone in the face.  Once the detterent is in place, Nani, Little P-nis, Rooney, Gerrard, VdV et al will all pack diving in pretty bloody quickly.


    Oh, and Referees who don't punish a blatant dive should get a five match suspension.  That way, they are forced to act and won't blatantly favour the 'Sky 6' constantly.

  6. Not too long before diving ruins top-flight football IMO, can't understand why the authorities won't do something about it.


    It's already been ruined.  Fifa/Uefa/FA are a bunch of corrupt nobs who won't do anything about it lest they upset the big clubs who are unfortunately the worst for diving.

  7. I'd love to see Pele in his prime in the Premier League.  Don't reckon he'd score any more than 20 goals a season.  Todays game is just so much more technical and stamina based.


    To score 52 goals in Spain is immense.  If he can come to the Premier League and score 40+ goals then he truly will be amongst the best ever.

  8. Wigan was just an all round shit experience.  Shit ground, shit fans, and we played the worst 90 mins of football I have ever seen.  If it wasn't for the copious amounts of Stella I had before the game and laughing at the fat bloke downing pints with his top off 'cos it was his Bday whilst everyone chanted at him at HT, I would have been slitting my wrists (it was the game when the fans went for Fat Freddy in his 4x4 afterwards!)


    Honorable mentions go to:


    Anfield: Arsehole fans, ground stinks of sewage, Liverpool is a proper shithole.

    SoS:  Unbelievably toxic atmosphere mixed with me being in the home end = fearing for my life!

    CoMS: Game where Souness got sacked.  I could have played better than any of our players!  Away fans fighting each other because we were so pissed off.  Also, I was stood next to the "Souness Out" bedsheet, so you can see me on the Sky Premier Years programme whenever it's on!


  9. Just need to sign Gary Cahill, flog off Walcott for someone abit better and they will be back up there imo. Get the feeling next season will be Wenger's last...


    I have NEVER rated Walcott.  Being quick doesn't make you class.  If they brought Given, Cahill, Parker and Carroll, they'd win the league hands down.


    Yeah, sign some average British/Irish players and they'd be invincible...


    I agree about Cahill to an extent, but Parker would be MILES out of his depth at Arsenal man  :lol: Carroll's a pointless suggestion.


    Thing is though, some British or Irish cloggers is just what they need.  They have no plan B to circumvent teams parking the team bus in front of the goal.  They are a team of lightweight bottlers who are sublimely talented but easily hoofed into orbit.  Temper that with a couple of 'enforcers' and you'd have an excellent side.

  10. Just need to sign Gary Cahill, flog off Walcott for someone abit better and they will be back up there imo. Get the feeling next season will be Wenger's last...


    I have NEVER rated Walcott.  Being quick doesn't make you class.  If they brought Given, Cahill, Parker and Carroll, they'd win the league hands down.

  11. You're chatting s*** Mojorisin. Enrique was a good foot behind the line = his fault.


    Saying that, if he was on the post (which I'm sure you'd agree is the orthodox place to stand) he probably wouldn't have even got his head on it.


    i'll need to watch it again, from memory he wasn't that far away from either the line or the post but won't swear to nowt


    as the forum agenda merchant i can pretty much guarantee you've got an ulterior motive in slagging the guy


    tape measures aside compare that goal vs. the much famed dyer goal where he was standing in position on the post and watched the ball sail past him effortlessly


    enrique was in a generic good position for a defender while perhaps not being perfect in any sense, the way the ball came in was a 1/10 situation and he shouldn't be blamed for it


    I play leftback and imo he is far too far behind the line. Very poor first half. He wasn't the only one though, far from it.


    Maybe you could replace him when he goes?

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