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Everything posted by PENKAAA

  1. Sauce? BBC Radio Newcastle just said it. Also, the commentary has started on nufc.co.uk just now.
  2. May sound very long odds, but they're not when you consider how shite they've been this year. Levante were very good against them last week.
  3. It's a great thing to do, but surely donating three weeks of his wage would do the exact same? Am i missing the point?
  4. I'm looking at the paintballing video on nufcTV and don't have a clue what he looks like. It's the guy who says he's going for Steven Taylor. Our goalkeeping coach btw. Thanks. I saw him loads of times in the video and didn't even realise. I'm looking at the paintballing video on nufcTV and don't have a clue what he looks like. Hes even funnier on the predictions video with Carver and Stone. It was hilarious when he fell over in the woods in the paintballing video and everyone was laughing.
  5. I'm looking at the paintballing video on nufcTV and don't have a clue what he looks like.
  6. The people (JH) who have paid for this service will be well and truly miffed at this. I'm disgusted! They should have offered this service to friends of current subscribers! f***ing fuming It would be still wrong, people would have paid £20 for those few video's and now people are getting them for free, not on. What's this about JH?
  7. I've just subscribed less than two hours ago and so far it's great. Already i have a better insight into the workings of the team, and the highlights of the reserves and prem games are great along with the interviews. Great value for money aswell imo. Haha! That's mint.
  8. Came into this thread to post the exact same.
  9. Among other things. Being at uni in northern ireland i can't listen to BBC radio newcastle at all so the live commentary is great. Along with the highlights and interviews i reckon it's great value.
  10. Signed up to the direct debit for nufcTV just to hear him speak.
  11. This comment made me have a look around Blackburn on Google Streetview and holy shit, Blackburn is a dire dire place. Looks like time just stood still since the 70s and nothing's happened since. The stand which is on the opposite side to the managers and the tunnel is made of wood and looks like it's going to fall down.


    Steve Wraith is now following you on twitter. http://cdn0.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/106/887/original/backpain-1292835351.jpg?1300412448
  13. Get in Al-Fayed lad, detest Mark Hughes.


    statt_attack joe fox According to Sky Sports Sunderland have the quietest fans in the league on average decibels #SAFC #nufc #boro Not surprising really.
  15. You enjoying Craig Gardner, mate? Gardner 1-0 Cabaye Surely this "world class" (copyright Newcastle Online) midfielder will find it within himself to score a goal soon. Surely. http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/7307/cabayegoal2.jpg http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/8864/cabayegoal3.jpg http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/4278/cabayegoal4.jpg The very next game Cabaye scores the winner. U mad Wireside?
  16. Watch Lampard and Barton at full time.
  17. I'd be very surprised if there wasn't a bust-up between Barton and Taarabt this season like.
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