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Everything posted by Aiston

  1. He has cost us more goals than Sels this season but he does still seem the more confident choice. Agree with rather having Krul in goal.
  2. Aiston

    Isaac Hayden

    Great assist, not much good elsewhere.
  3. I cannot remember Krul making as many errors that resulted in goals for us, in such a short time period. Must be Darlow's 4th or 5th already this season.
  4. Aye. Don't understand that at all. Dummett needs his babysitter.
  5. Not 100% his fault but no communication at all. He's cost us a few goals this season.
  6. Shelvey is a fucking idiot. He cannot be trusted to have a team built round him.
  7. If that were to happen most managers would alter tactics to get more oit of other players. Didn't happen while Shelvey was out.
  8. We are literally just banking the rest of the season on Shelvey staying fit and not doing something stupid to get a long ban.
  9. Will be like a new signing this lad.
  10. Fucking hell... Cannot believe I fucked that up..deleted Shelvey from the bloody sentence as well.
  11. It's a bit bat s*** crazy we are just settling for Shelvey as our only creative midfielder for the rest of the season. We missed him when he got himself banned big time, just like when we got rid of Cabaye. EDIT: Obviously meant Shelvey.
  12. Sels hasn't just made one f*** up like He wasn't a key part of us getting relegated from the Premier League like Mitrovic either. Yet Mitro gets a free pass on that. Well Sels wasn't here last season was he? Point I'm making is Mitrovic gets a free pass on his f*** ups yet Sels doesn't and Mitrovic has f***ed up way more and more often than Sels. Maybe it's because Mitrovic has at least shown signs of potential that he isn't absolutely useless unlike Sels? What potential is that? He hasn't looked like he's improved in the past year at all either. His finishing certainly isn't any better. Scoring some goals in the Premier League and having the 7th best goals per minute ratio in the Championship at the age of 22. What potential has Sels shown? Cisse...Ameobi etc also scored some goals in the PL. The amount of good chances missed, games we failed to win due to Mitro were key in relegating us. It's not saying much saying that considering he hasn't (rightfully) been given many starts in the Championship in the first place....especially when it's 3 bloody goals (in two games), he's missed more games due to suspension. Of course it was the fault of a 20 year old in a new county, leading the lines of an established Premier League team on his own that relegated us, nothing to do with having a poor, demotivated squad caused by a horrendously incompetent manager who was given far too long to sink us, primarily due to a horrendous owner that drummed a culture of failure into us over a period of years and actively restricted any forms of ambition because he assumed we were good enough based on f*** all while he counted his pennies. Narrow minded 'fans' like you are the reason why we get such a bad rap as being f***ing deluded idiots. Wonderful, you cannot even have a negative opinion of Mitrovic without someone spouting that sort of drivel.
  13. Sels hasn't just made one f*** up like He wasn't a key part of us getting relegated from the Premier League like Mitrovic either. Yet Mitro gets a free pass on that. Well Sels wasn't here last season was he? Point I'm making is Mitrovic gets a free pass on his f*** ups yet Sels doesn't and Mitrovic has f***ed up way more and more often than Sels. Maybe it's because Mitrovic has at least shown signs of potential that he isn't absolutely useless unlike Sels? What potential is that? He hasn't looked like he's improved in the past year at all either. His finishing certainly isn't any better. Scoring some goals in the Premier League and having the 7th best goals per minute ratio in the Championship at the age of 22. What potential has Sels shown? Cisse...Ameobi etc also scored some goals in the PL. The amount of good chances missed, games we failed to win due to Mitro were key in relegating us. It's not saying much saying that considering he hasn't (rightfully) been given many starts in the Championship in the first place....especially when it's 3 bloody goals (in two games), he's missed more games due to suspension.
  14. Sels hasn't just made one f*** up like He wasn't a key part of us getting relegated from the Premier League like Mitrovic either. Yet Mitro gets a free pass on that. Well Sels wasn't here last season was he? Point I'm making is Mitrovic gets a free pass on his f*** ups yet Sels doesn't and Mitrovic has f***ed up way more and more often than Sels. Maybe it's because Mitrovic has at least shown signs of potential that he isn't absolutely useless unlike Sels? What potential is that? He hasn't looked like he's improved in the past year at all either. His finishing certainly isn't any better.
  15. Could have been different if Mitrovic took his chances in that first half...or the penalty to make it 1-1 to be fair. More worried about what Rafa does in training for set pieces.
  16. Sels hasn't just made one f*** up like He wasn't a key part of us getting relegated from the Premier League like Mitrovic either. Yet Mitro gets a free pass on that. Well Sels wasn't here last season was he? Point I'm making is Mitrovic gets a free pass on his fuck ups yet Sels doesn't and Mitrovic has fucked up way more and more often than Sels.
  17. Sels hasn't just made one f*** up like He only made one in that game mind. He wasn't a key part of us getting relegated from the Premier League like Mitrovic either. Yet Mitro gets a free pass on that.
  18. It does make me laugh though, so many defending him. Yet the one fuck up by Sels in that League Cup tie and everyone hating him, it was our fault we were knocked out of the cup despite having 20+ chances to score.
  19. Howay man, that's just complete nonsense. It isn't like. He is weirdly idolised by Newcastle fans for absolutely no reason. He's achieved less than Cisse has here. He's been given a chance again by Rafa and he's completely fluffed it.
  20. You can blame him for not scoring three though.
  21. "Mitrovic slices it wide"..... how surprising.
  22. I do wonder if Rafa does anything on set pieces, we are dreadful with them.
  23. To be fair Rafa picked him (Definitely Mitro's fault we are out today, probably Rafa's last chance to him)
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