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Everything posted by Aiston

  1. Dummett is good at getting his head on the ball, fuck all power on it when he heads the ball though. Always goes to the opposition.
  2. Again we are at home, playing piss poor and defensively. We don't have any creativity in midfield to play with one striker. At least play with two at home, they might even help each other create something themselves.
  3. Would rather play Tiote. Colback is useless, we really be getting rid of him.
  4. Darlow saving the defence time and time again tonight.
  5. Dummett and Colback are average Championship players at best, no way should we take either back into the Premier League. Should get rid of them asap.
  6. Wednesday players just playing with Colback & Dummett there. Dummett is good at getting his head to the ball, but utterly useless at getting that ball to go anywhere.
  7. Dummett is fucking useless, a traffic cone would be more useful.
  8. Hopefully sign someone asap in the January window to replace him.
  9. If we limited our squad to non-cuntish players, we'd struggle. Everyone would Not many of them being racist cunts on the pitch mind.
  10. If the evidence shows he has been a racist twat, I hope we get rid of him. Sign a replacement in January. He's proven year after year he is a massive cunt, we cannot afford to have that cost us like it already has.
  11. Bit of a cockup from Darlow in probably the only save he had to make, luckily the Birmingham player completely missed his 2nd chance.
  12. Diame touched the ball once in 15 minutes.
  13. Man United should sell De Gea for that.
  14. If Chancel Mbemba didn't get sent off, we would have won. Bastard.
  15. Aiston

    Matz Sels

    If we got rid of every keeper for doing what Sels did, we wouldn't ever have a keeper to play.
  16. Ultimately it's the team that fucked up today, not just one player.
  17. Don't know who pissed him off behind the goal, but he really was trying to kill him with the ball.
  18. Aiston

    Matz Sels

    What were our defenders doing for their goal man ? The whole team cost us the place, not just Sels.
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