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Everything posted by Aiston

  1. We played that many defensive players? 2 LB's, 2 RB's (Anita our first choice at RB), two CDM's. Our only attacking players were the two strikers. No subs until nearly the 70th minute again (other than the forced sub).
  2. He's a weird player, actually looked decent in the Premier League for us but looks utter dog shit in the Championship due to how lightweight he is.
  3. Aiston

    Isaac Hayden

    Very good defensively but ask any more of him and he's shit. Perfect player to have next to someone creative.
  4. Same amount of assists as Shelvey this season in the league, people being a bit harsh on him. He's pretty much our only creative spark in the team without Shelvey so he is going to look worse as it is all on him. It's like the last few season really, Rafa hasn't changed much in that respect...our right side is where most of our attacking play goes down and our left side is so shit it does absolutely nothing but defend, poorly.
  5. Will give him another chance, see if he's improved much at all.
  6. Nothing like making subs to change the game.
  7. Braindead ginger cunt. Completely out his depth in the Championship. I'll be completely baffled if Rafa continues with him in the squad.
  8. Poor from Rafa recently. He needs to change it up. Absolutely pathetic how he keeps playing Colback. We've seen he's s*** for years. His subs are pathetic, he can barely change a game with them.
  9. Rafa doesn't even know his own subs. Also why the fuck take Anita off, he's far better attacking then Dummett is.
  10. Why the fuck would you leave that Lascelles ? No way Hayden should be the one picking that ball up going towards his own goal.
  11. Not sure he had the choice considering how quickly it hit him.
  12. Anita does a better job against two players there than Dummett did against one.
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