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Everything posted by Aiston

  1. Despite the abuse Sissoko gets, he's nowhere near the worst player for us this season.
  2. Why do i keep hearing this nonsense? Are you suggesting dropping Remy? Surely any suggestion of dropping him isn't a terrible idea. 3 goals in 12 matches, 1 red card. Two of those goals against 9 men Stoke.
  3. Saylor & Williamson, screwing things up again. If only a previous game had shown that may have been possible.....
  4. Taking off Anita, just made us lose the slight control we had on the game.
  5. Certainly a good captain, should be made permanent.
  6. Aiston

    Steven Taylor

    Willo more at fault, just allowing the ball to trickle past him.
  7. Aiston

    Loïc Remy

    Scored in 1 game of the last 10. Shouldn't be up front on his own, should be out-wide, he looks better there and gets more involved.
  8. For the goal, the only CB that tried to do anything was Saylor, yet he is the one that seems to be getting most the blame? Despite Willo should have stopped the ball anyway.
  9. Williamson just watching the ball roll past him, no attempt for it.
  10. Aiston


    Their 21 page thread about their disallowed goal is hilarious, after MOTD last night some of saying the linesman still made a bad decision despite it being only just offside.
  11. Aiston

    Loïc Remy

    Any gif's of the 2 dreadful misses from Remy?
  12. Doesn't matter if it was offside, he still should have scored it. Three or four glaring chances he has missed from so damn close already this season.
  13. Aiston


    So, that Altidore is a bit shit.
  14. Aye. part from almost costing us two goals and barely being able to catch a ball. He did well. Spends too much time trying to push players in the box, instead of concentrating on the ball. Joe Hart syndrome.
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