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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. 25% increase in season ticket prices this season that also gets ignored. Madness considering the shit that is being served up to them as a 'club'. Not to mention the fuckin price increase.
  2. That's his gain basically. 18000 SD signs inside the ground don't do much more than that either tbh.
  3. Christ this is getting worse in here. Just what ashley wants now, people passing the blame to Rafa. Madness.
  4. 'he's spent 60 million so should have bought 3 x 20 million players' Not even sure where to start on that. Pure toss.
  5. Wilson

    The Magpie Group

    It's been too placid from the start but that's only as there audience are spineless sheep. Even if we get took over tomrrow I don't think I could go back and be amongst spineless sheep who let Ashley just sit there completely unchallenged. Should be an empty stadium and the players just downing tools. Coming 17th only benefits one man anyway Put up or shut up man, you've done literally nothing yourself aside from not living in Newcastle and yet again you're having a dig at those who are. Couldn't go back and be amongst spineless sheep who let Ashley just sit there completely unchallenged, whilst he sits miles away 'letting' Ashley just sit there completely unchallenged As I said i rightly don't go but if people are still going and he's there at least let him have it. They just aren't bothered man. Even mick lowes who should know what nufc is about won't hear a bad word about Ashley. I known what the club was but it seems the majority who go now don't and are content with Ashley and a yoyo club The point is you don't just vent, you slate other people for not doing what you think they should be doing. You coming up and joining in protests etc would be doing something. All you do is repeat the same thing over and over, and over...and over on here (which is the equivalent to nothing...especially considering the majority (?) on here have stopped going including myself). Not surprised you're losing mates if you go on with them the way you go on on here, griefing people isn't the way to go about it. As I said, you could come up, be part of the talk ins/protests/put ideas forward etc etc. But no, you do nothing, and let Ashley just sit there completely unchallenged.
  6. Wilson

    The Magpie Group

    It's been too placid from the start but that's only as there audience are spineless sheep. Even if we get took over tomrrow I don't think I could go back and be amongst spineless sheep who let Ashley just sit there completely unchallenged. Should be an empty stadium and the players just downing tools. Coming 17th only benefits one man anyway Put up or shut up man, you've done literally nothing yourself aside from not living in Newcastle and yet again you're having a dig at those who are. Couldn't go back and be amongst spineless sheep who let Ashley just sit there completely unchallenged, whilst he sits miles away 'letting' Ashley just sit there completely unchallenged
  7. Those asking prices mean nothing, he's got no intention of selling anyway. He won't 'lose' anything, he'll continue to milk it via other avenues.
  8. Get arrested and get a banning order. Arrested? Really? Either way I've always thought it would be a great way to stick it to them. If enough of the crowd do it live on tv, delay match, club fines etc. Probably wouldn't make much difference but would be quite a statement.
  9. Because that's football, you always have to progress. Also momentum was a big thing at the end of last season. Never mind progression, we’ve gone backwards. Others have gone forward where we've stood still.
  10. I'm not arsed about the result like, although I don't buy into the whole 'losing is the only way to get rid of the owner' carry on. Win, lose or draw we're stuck with this cunt until he makes his own decision to leave. Protests etc are the only way to help push his decision forward.
  11. I can see the dunce section of the support turning on Rafa if today doesn't go well.
  12. Not arsed what happens. Think I'll take 2 minute walk and watch the Fed. It'll be brilliant down there today.
  13. Aye, just being his usual professional self in the face of these fuckin idiots running the show.
  14. More inclined to believe it when there's no name mentioned tbf. And also, if it's KB it would most likely be Sky with the 'exclusive'. Having said that, I'm just sticking to the belief that nowts happening until we're actually sold.
  15. It's a good job the Saudi's haven't shown any interest in us whatsoever, or there'd be a massive moral debate on here.
  16. Wilson

    The Magpie Group

    Not sure why the mag have went on their own to arrange a Boycott. Would have made sense to speak to the magpie group first. Not because the magpie group are some higher power, but because they're basically an umbrella for other groups, nust, ashley out etc. The lad from spirit of shankly nailed it at the talk in, saying it all needs to be done under one group, rather than loads of smaller groups doing their own thing. It's just daft imo, if it's not done right it'll just end up as a pissy little Boycott with a couple of hundred not attending. Hopefully, if it does go ahead, the other groups will throw their support behind it as it isn't going to be an easy job.
  17. Just a matter of time now anyway, either Mike sacks him or he goes at the end of the season. Worst thing is, I couldn't give a shit at this point. Means fuck all either way.
  18. Wilson

    The Magpie Group

    Him being here or not means nowt until the cunt is gone anyway.
  19. Listen to Podcast: true faith forum - How to Take The Fight to Mike Ashley by True Faith NUFC Podcast #np on #SoundCloud Not in a position to listen to that at the minute. Was it mentioned what was cut from the minutes from the supporters meeting with the club ? Haven't managed to get through it all myself, only managed to get up to Luke Edwards saying 'the crowd should still get behind the team once they get to St James' as the atmosphere has been shit this season'
  20. Listen to Podcast: true faith forum - How to Take The Fight to Mike Ashley by True Faith NUFC Podcast #np on #SoundCloud
  21. Wilson

    St James' Park

    Paying for advertising now man... Can't have too many up.
  22. Sure someone said it was voice recorded TF have it. Do they? I read the posts the other day as though they were aware Charnley's PA had recorded it, not that they had it themselves. Aye sorry, it was this I was referring to.. read it and assumed they had it https://twitter.com/tfMichael1892/status/1047162992620687361
  23. Fuckin hell Fairly over the top.
  24. Sure someone said it was voice recorded TF have it.
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