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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Fucking bollocks man why even meet with them if you dont want the job yet? Arrrrghhhhhh Typical In the plus side...more gouf willo and dummett. Get the fuck in.
  2. I'll be fucking shocked if de boer is anywhere near the picture.
  3. If that's it I'm out. John fucking carver. The cunt who offers fans a fight. For fucks sake i hope its Bollocks but that's the first report we've seen about how the talks went, and the back room staff thing makes it realistic. Urgh.
  4. Keep flicking back to this game, every time I do it's a fucking replay.
  5. http://image.w00t.com/tEqXxy21uKMU41L6CTrXkEjoEGc_?Expires=1421010403&Signature=d44WPrpHWHFGiG7ApHPgH4GwPXjCRe3YSuCBMBGvNJhlHH3ubV3Tr4DT4w~3Xu-NuYiexOFMe2ZafPV0cavlZmTH1xv2AHyjD~b2Gqmah7bU3-qSqCKHV4Y0E99LLmgUycSEF14MtDkUUQUXpJFjRlNI7eqzU8~RMP~vHbnmosg_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIHX2P6GWWRFXYETQ
  6. he'll get neymar chances as easy as that
  7. http://gifsec.com/wp-content/uploads/GIF/2014/05/Its-happening-gif.gif
  8. So fucking happy when I read this stuff, because I feel that it is basically Carr picking them and Charnley convincing Mike whoever they pick is worth it. Really don't expect us to end up with Carver or some no mark. Think I've let hope get the better of me...it's been a while!!
  9. Are man just get him in please. I swear, if we end up with carver for the rest of the season I'm done.
  10. Wilson


    Fuckin spam hampers.
  11. That toilet in the Bigg Market? That went ages ago. Aye, thought it was getting converted into something. I went past the bigg market last night, absolute dead nowadays. What d'u expect? Nee Pig n Whistle!
  12. Rémi Garde is not in Newcastle but in London , where he began discussions with the English club lazy cunt
  13. He's going to do everything we were screaming out for him to do isn't he.
  14. His name is Village Idiot and he....loves the toon.
  15. Hope his death is as well. Fucking slimy rat what he is.
  16. what kind of s*** is this? a palace version of the blaydon races?
  17. urghh!! arseholes. left his leg hanging.
  18. Whenever I look at another forum..."WHAT IS THIS SHIT?"
  19. That picture. Just me or anyone else see a bit of a resembalnce with Gary Speed? it's uncanny http://i1.chroniclelive.co.uk/incoming/article8379806.ece/alternates/s615/161700054.jpg
  20. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v42/StupidityKills/gifs/giggle.gif
  21. right, now i can deal with some links to palace forums....
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