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Posts posted by Wilson

  1. 10 hours ago, Lush Vlad said:



    Burn, Wilson and Almiron could all be rotated, I reckon. None of them are in form and/or look a bit fucked. 


    Exactly what I'd like to see tbh, with the 3 obvious replacements. 


    As you mention though, Howe seems very rigid in his starting line up unless forced, understandable when we've done as well as we have, but I think it's definitely time for a shake up for both rest and to avoid (dare I say it) complacency. 


    Fully expect the normal line up if everyone's fit. 

  2. Close to tears in his post match interview. 


    The club means the world to us, but it feels like some of the players have a similar connection.  Fuck man. Hope we can start picking up wins again, for them as well as us. 


  3. 31 minutes ago, Froggy said:


    Nah I know where to draw the line. :lol:  Defeat in the league is frustrating, but a cup final is something different entirely. Emotions are going to be through the roof.


    Will probably just avoid the place completely win, lose or draw on Sunday. I don't think any good comes from me posting regardless of the result. :lol:


    Back to the grind on Monday.



    Stop being so tactful please.  You're making it hard to dislike you and I really need to dislike man u fans at the moment. 

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