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Posts posted by Wilson

  1. 1 minute ago, TRon said:

    Wilson is hardly a player who is a weak option. It was always likely we'd be using our squad to rotate during a packed schedule over Easter. Joelinton coming in is hardly cause for disappointment either. These have been our best players at various points over the last 12 months.


    Of course Wilsons not a weak option, but dropping Isak is a massive shout regardless, assuming he's taken no knocks/been sick. 

  2. 1 hour ago, TRon said:


    Just to give players a rest I would think. Three games in the space of a week, I think there could well be some rotation, or he might start with the same team then use subs early. Can definitely see Willock going on the bench since he was subbed on Sunday feeling his hamstring.


    Didn't expect changes for rest right now, maybe after today's game. 


    But what the fuck do I know :lol:


    Beat these cunts either way. 


    I hope. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Dancing Brave said:

    After spurs  only drew last night, they've now added...


    "They'll get battered in the champions league"


      Comfort blankets is all the jealous sad mackem bastards have.



    Someone break out the Mackem fewm cycle so we can see which point were at. 

  4. On the way back to the car, a people carrier taxi full of mancs was going down St James Boulevard. 


    Found it hilarious as they were. naturally getting a bit of grief, but they got caught on every traffic light giving ample opportunities for the masses to have their say :lol:


    Naturally some kid who was probably 4 stone soaking wet tried to give it the biggun, but gladly he disappeared and the harmless craic carried on. 


    Even the little'n gave them a snarky wave as they passed :aww:

  5. 3 minutes ago, CPL said:

    I didn't notice him as much today but that nutmeg in the first half! ? 



    Much like Botman, barely notice them due to them carrying out their duties to perfection.  Not a foot wrong today. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Heron said:

    Cult hero for me. The poster boy for the AshleyOuters. Hero.


    I went to Bruges but couldn't get a match ticket so ended up in the fan village in the square, mates were sending videos from inside the stadium.  Bruges used to play the tune that the Gutierrez chant used, it looked like a proper rave :lol: they played it and all you could hear was our lot.


    Out of all the things that bugged me about not getting a ticket, that topped it. 

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