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Everything posted by McLoven11

  1. McLoven11

    Joey Barton

    That would not happen
  2. Cabaye dinks a lovely ball over the top for Ba but he can't connect - Cabaye has been impressive today
  3. McLoven11

    Alan Smith

    lee_ryder: Alan Smith hasn't travelled #nufc #leeds #lufc
  4. Bradley is surely heading to Premeirship club
  5. Split - Fulham Stoke - Hajduk Clubs frome same city, but not same name of club http://liveonsat.com/today.php?start_dd=28&start_mm=07&start_yyyy=2011&end_dd=28&end_mm=07&end_yyyy=2011 Hajduk will be only on Croatian TV, not on any English... I was aware of that like you cheeky scamp.
  6. Split - Fulham Stoke - Hajduk Clubs frome same city, but not same name of club http://liveonsat.com/today.php?start_dd=28&start_mm=07&start_yyyy=2011&end_dd=28&end_mm=07&end_yyyy=2011 Hajduk will be only on Croatian TV, not on any English...
  7. I think Copenhagen was interested in him in January...
  8. More pictures... http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150401407779569.432878.125815419568
  9. Hajduk is much better tahn Barca in first half. Well, no. We had more possession and more shots on goal. Still, this is a Barça B lineup, and not even the good Barça B players at that (they are with the Spanish U20/U19 teams) Statisticaly Barca is better, but if they don't show you statistic you must admit Hajduk was better team on pitch
  10. Hajduk is much better tahn Barca in first half.
  11. When is the last time Newcastle have team shot?
  12. I heard that they're going to use a picture of Ryan Taylor in their logo for their fan site. http://www.bigsoccer.com/forum/showthread.php?s=8ad902e2dcd3cd60f297dc9c1c09b403&t=958788 On same forum
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