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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. The Trust and other supporters groups I know will be approaching any new owners and fighting the corner for those who have boycotted. Whether the new owners think it will be a quick PR win or whether it pisses off those who kept their tickets remains to be seen, but I’d like to think those who have packed in under Ashley, as long as they can prove it, should be able to get first dibs.


    Realistically, say all 10k go on general sale, how many would you lot estimate would be available? About 15-17k I would say at a guess?


    I'm sure the freebies don't have automatic chance to renew mind iirc?


    They don't.


    When I log into my account i've got an icon next to the two freebies I got that says 'Item may be renewed' when I hover over it?


    I've had no communication to say whether it can or can't be mind.


    People have said it was in the terms and conditions about them being renewable or not.  I wouldn't trust NUFC's ticket systems.


    Fair point. I'll have a look and see if i've got any of the T&C stuff anywhere.


    Cheers. If you could let me know I'd be really grateful mate! I packed in mine last summer so want to know if I can get get my hopes up on getting mine and the bairn's back, or whether we will have to try and get general sale tickets every week.

  2. The Trust and other supporters groups I know will be approaching any new owners and fighting the corner for those who have boycotted. Whether the new owners think it will be a quick PR win or whether it pisses off those who kept their tickets remains to be seen, but I’d like to think those who have packed in under Ashley, as long as they can prove it, should be able to get first dibs.


    Realistically, say all 10k go on general sale, how many would you lot estimate would be available? About 15-17k I would say at a guess?


    I'm sure the freebies don't have automatic chance to renew mind iirc?


    They don't.


    When I log into my account i've got an icon next to the two freebies I got that says 'Item may be renewed' when I hover over it?


    I've had no communication to say whether it can or can't be mind.


    I think when you go to click 'next' or whatever it doesn't allow it. Not sure though.

  3. It's not a total given there will be a huge queue of people wanting ST's after this on top of those who have one, we are in a depression and lots of people in the NE are going to be out of work etc after this or in financial hardship.


    I honestly think there will be a huge level of demand, even from those who have packed in over the past 12 years since Keegan left. The crisis we are in will definitely have an impact for some, but the one stereotype we adhere to is the fact we would do anything to watch (an Ashley-less) NUFC.


    I genuinely think there'll be queues early doors for tickets.

  4. The Trust and other supporters groups I know will be approaching any new owners and fighting the corner for those who have boycotted. Whether the new owners think it will be a quick PR win or whether it pisses off those who kept their tickets remains to be seen, but I’d like to think those who have packed in under Ashley, as long as they can prove it, should be able to get first dibs.


    Realistically, say all 10k go on general sale, how many would you lot estimate would be available? About 15-17k I would say at a guess?


    I'm sure the freebies don't have automatic chance to renew mind iirc?


    Yeah I don't think they do! What would your thoughts be Paully? Would you welcome back boycotters? Not an interrogation by the way :lol: just curious given you are a home and away die hard!

  5. The Trust and other supporters groups I know will be approaching any new owners and fighting the corner for those who have boycotted. Whether the new owners think it will be a quick PR win or whether it pisses off those who kept their tickets remains to be seen, but I’d like to think those who have packed in under Ashley, as long as they can prove it, should be able to get first dibs.


    Realistically, say all 10k go on general sale, how many would you lot estimate would be available? About 15-17k I would say at a guess?


    Did we have about 32k ST holders this year before the free ones? Think I may have read that somewhere?


    Then you need 3.5k for away fans and 10%(?) (5k) has to be kept for match by match sales. So I'd guess you're looking at a further 12k ST being available?


    Cheers - fingers crossed that the Trust can pull it out of the bag.

  6. The Trust and other supporters groups I know will be approaching any new owners and fighting the corner for those who have boycotted. Whether the new owners think it will be a quick PR win or whether it pisses off those who kept their tickets remains to be seen, but I’d like to think those who have packed in under Ashley, as long as they can prove it, should be able to get first dibs.


    Realistically, say all 10k go on general sale, how many would you lot estimate would be available? About 15-17k I would say at a guess?

  7. I'm just accepting I probably won't be able to get mine back short term due to demand, will stick with Hebburn and occasional game where I can. I will try and get it back but just doubt it will be that easy


    When did you pack in mate?

  8. Always been jealous of Man United and Liverpool’s like. Van Dijk to ‘Dirty Old Town’ and Salah to ‘Sit Down’ are absolutely class.


    Is it that kid on the guitar who creates them, does anyone know?

  9. Our songbook is and has been for years, fucking shit. Liverpool and Man Utd seem to fit players names into a variety of songs. I know Liverpool have that kid who sings them acoustically in the City on match days (may be a fan park?) which will certainly help.


    Nobby Solano. Hatem Ben Arfa. Martin Dubravka. Be someone else in a few years.


    Agreed, one thing I respect about Man Utd's travelling away support.


    Even the Rafa/La Bamba one. Couldn’t even be arsed to find a new player to fit in so resorted to ‘fuck of Wijnaldum’ :lol: . Also would be good to get some local songs into the songbook - I’m coming home Newcastle for example.

  10. Our songbook is and has been for years, fucking shit. Liverpool and Man Utd seem to fit players names into a variety of songs. I know Liverpool have that kid who sings them acoustically in the City on match days (may be a fan park?) which will certainly help.


    Nobby Solano. Hatem Ben Arfa. Martin Dubravka. Be someone else in a few years.

  11. Pretty sure that the 10k free ones had a condition on it that it couldn’t be renewed for next year - so they’d have to wait for general sale like the rest of us.

    I was wondering that- good news if true.  Place wouldn't be the same without the longtime season ticket holders back


    I’m not sure it’s true. Bloke at work got one for his kid and apparently had option to renew? Absolute bummer if true.

    Is it not too early for renewals?


    Not sure if he’s pulling my pisser or what. But it says he has an option to click renew - so God knows. Will post any screenshots if I can get them.

  12. Pretty sure that the 10k free ones had a condition on it that it couldn’t be renewed for next year - so they’d have to wait for general sale like the rest of us.

    I was wondering that- good news if true.  Place wouldn't be the same without the longtime season ticket holders back


    I’m not sure it’s true. Bloke at work got one for his kid and apparently had option to renew? Absolute bummer if true.


    I hope not :(


    Tell me about it mate. But hearing conflicting stuff so God knows to be honest. Wonder if anyone on here has one?

  13. Pretty sure that the 10k free ones had a condition on it that it couldn’t be renewed for next year - so they’d have to wait for general sale like the rest of us.

    I was wondering that- good news if true.  Place wouldn't be the same without the longtime season ticket holders back


    I’m not sure it’s true. Bloke at work got one for his kid and apparently had option to renew? Absolute bummer if true.

  14. I can’t believe I’m seeing some people online saying those who got free season tickets last year deserve first refusal over those who have packed in over the past 13 years :lol:


    I though the free tickets were in the name of the ticket holder who applied for it.


    Yeah I don't think they can renew anyway, but the audacity online is frightening with some peoples comments. Thankfully, the majority of comments are suggesting to welcome back the boycotters as they played their part and done what they believe was right.

  15. I can’t believe I’m seeing some people online saying those who got free season tickets last year deserve first refusal over those who have packed in over the past 13 years :lol:

  16. Who would you definitely keep from the current lot then?


    ASM, Almiron, Dubravka, Lascelles, Schar, Lejuene and Matty Longstaff would be the ones I'd hope to keep if we are looking at overhauling the squad


    I think you have to be realistic on what can be done in a couple of transfer windows as not all the players we have are really "saleable assets" so it becomes a squad cohesion and squad number issue as well as a phasing out and replacing exercise.


    It also depends on budget while we may think they are coming in to spend a mint they might not be and say the budget is 70/100 million a window that in todays market is spent badly can get you shite that everton/Fulham etc have gotten or it could get you 1/2/3 max good players.


    The need of a top manager who knows how to build a squad effectively from scratch is the best way forward.


    Totally agree, a top manager is needed if there is going to be significant recruitment. Might take us 3/4 windows to get challenging for European spots but definitely need a top manager with a concrete plan. Benitez would be ideal.

  17. Had a few twitter arguments with morons who think those who ‘deserted’ the club (I’d call it a boycott) in the last 12 years shouldn’t be allowed season tickets compared to those who’ve ‘stayed through thick and thin’. Our fan base man...


    Some of them don’t deserve what’s about to happen and I almost wouldn’t want to share a stadium with them tbh. But they’re not stopping the likes of me and Heron[/member] etc from going back. Wankers


    I’d argue we deserve credit for making everyone notice that we were sick. Let’s be fair, every single protest/boycott prior to the exodus last summer was futile.


    Good luck getting it back mate. Hope I do too!


    I’d like to think everyone who sacrificed their ticket should be applauded! Who knows?! I don’t really care tbh. I just want to be back singing and supporting again!


    Fingers crossed for you too. I’ll be camping in the queue outside the ticket office on 30th June that’s for sure.


    Too right mate, it’s the only way. They’ll be like Gold bars at first. Hopefully the Trust can do their bit and the club give people like us a chance to return, although that’ll go down like a lead balloon with the support the team lot.

  18. Had a few twitter arguments with morons who think those who ‘deserted’ the club (I’d call it a boycott) in the last 12 years shouldn’t be allowed season tickets compared to those who’ve ‘stayed through thick and thin’. Our fan base man...


    Some of them don’t deserve what’s about to happen and I almost wouldn’t want to share a stadium with them tbh. But they’re not stopping the likes of me and Heron[/member] etc from going back. Wankers


    I’d argue we deserve credit for making everyone notice that we were sick. Let’s be fair, every single protest/boycott prior to the exodus last summer was futile.


    Good luck getting it back mate. Hope I do too!

  19. Bloody hell, are people actually saying give Bruce a chance? Christ


    Idiots online mainly. The same lot who couldn't be arsed with Rafa's 'boring football', no doubt.


    A young, new-age coach from the continent would be nice. But Benitez would almost certainly be my (and probably the new regime's) first choice. He deserves it, if nothing else.

  20. I actually think Benitez will be the first choice given he actually introduced Staveley to the club. Whether he will break a contract is another thing, especially given the fact that he's employed so many over there and seems to have built a decent relationship with the Board and people involved at Dalian.


    Keep seeing this shit of giving Bruce a chance. You literally cannot afford any mistakes - giving him money will be a mistake. Shake his hand, pay him off. End of.

  21. Would be class PR if they restored everyones points like.


    Would love this, but wouldn't be that bothered. Took me years to build up 153, but I'd just love to be back home, like. It's killed me.


    Can see the ones who stayed being pissed off if that happened to be honest.


    Nah, sod them. This might have happened earlier.


    I agree mate. It absolutely killed me this last year - not to plead poverty but I've really struggled mentally over the past 12 months and not having my escape of going to the match with family and friends really hasn't helped. I find it downright insulting that I get called off some fans online disloyal. I've been to about 15 European away days. Been to Portsmouth on Sunday afternoons, been to Arsenal on Monday nights. Had some great times on away buses and at St James' - whilst also sticking with the team when they went down twice. Last summer was my final straw.


    There is absolutely nothing disloyal about giving so much of a fuck about something that you end up getting pushed away from it - something that you've loved since you went to your first game in 91, and probably the only thing you will love for the entirety of your days .


    I'll do anything for my ticket back, mainly for my 5 year old boy. I want him to dream and I want to see his face again like I did when I took him to the Bournemouth game a year or two back for the first time. I would love my points back, but I just want to be a part of it again. It's been torture not following it - actively wanting the team not to get to Wembley (and I fucking hate myself for that but couldn't help it).


    I miss the excitement after a shit week at work to be able to have an away day with the lads on the Saturday, or meeting in the pub at 12pm for the early game before heading up Town for the match. I miss the noise and I miss the people who sat around us. But mainly I just miss being part of it all.


    If I don't get my points back, so be it. It would be nice too, but if I don't then it was all worth it just to get rid. Hopefully, one day, I like many others can look back and say; 'we made a fucking difference there. We helped rid the club of the parasite who took away some of the (what should have been) the best days of my life. I want my son to go with his mates to away games and European games. I want to fall back in love.


    To quote a certain Mr Keegan, I want people to dream about the club. Hopefully this is the next step on a glorious chapter in the warped, fucked up history of Newcastle United. I want to see it all happen, hopefully from the Gallowgate once again.


    The end is nigh. Good luck to everyone trying to get their tickets back. We fucking deserve this.


    Howay the Lads.

  22. Would be class PR if they restored everyones points like.


    Would love this, but wouldn't be that bothered. Took me years to build up 153, but I'd just love to be back home, like. It's killed me.


    Can see the ones who stayed being pissed off if that happened to be honest.

  23. I'd give first option based on previous points. If SJP is going to be the rocking cauldron we remember you need those hardcore fans back in the fold.



    Do they keep a record of points?


    Yeah I logged in this morning, you can see my history of 153 points etc.


    where do you login?


    Just on NUFC.co.uk in the tickets section mate.


  24. I'd give first option based on previous points. If SJP is going to be the rocking cauldron we remember you need those hardcore fans back in the fold.


    Do they keep a record of points?


    Yeah I logged in this morning, you can see my history of 153 points etc.

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