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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. I don't particularly dislike Howe, I just think he's a bad fit for NUFC. Don't get me wrong, he'd have been a canny appointment under Ashley but the fact we could have appointed him the day after Bruce left would make the entire period since fucking pointless.


    Absolutely underwhelming if it's Howe.

  2. Really trying hard not to criticise the new owners, but that doesn't mean they're immune from it. Yesterday I was, like everyone, completely made up that they were after a top manager who's in a job - one who essentially would have cost them £14m to appoint. Seemed their process we were told to trust was absolutely bang on.


    It's obviously impossible for us to know who leaked it to the press (seems Ornstein was first, followed by everybody else jumping on the story not to be left behind), but it is poor form, especially given Villareal had a hugely important game to contend with. I'd be pissed if I was Emery/their owner too.


    Not of the opinion that it's a shitshow (just yet), but the handling of the takeover in 2020 and of the Bruce situation were poor imo. No good leaking to the press without 100% certainty else you just end up with egg on your face, and a massive shitty stick for people to beat you with.


    I don't buy into the fact it's completely dead either, owners on the continent generally use media as a mouthpiece. Many times we've seen owners say 'XYZ player is DEFINITELY staying' only for him to later leave, generally a ploy to get more £££. But the leaks from our side yesterday were ill timed and seemingly very premature. 


    The sooner we appoint some proper football people in Sporting Director & CEO roles the better. It will come in time, but unfortunately time is something we do not have right now.

  3. 1 minute ago, TheGuv said:


    Our repertoire is horrific. Tried to sing a few older ones at SJP on takeover night and also at the Spurs game. Perhaps the demographic has changed so much - so many just don't know so many songs. 


    The only ones I tend to hear these days are:


    N, E, wubble u, C...

    Toon, Toon, Black and White Army.

    UNITED - TOON (I hate the Toon bit, Always have)

    Blaydon Races (first verse always sung incorrectly and at a million miles an hour)

    Geordie Boot Boys

    Who's that team we call United (which I'm sure only started in the last 4 or 5 years).

    'Geordies' to Hey Jude


    That's seven songs. It's pretty poor in all honesty. 



    Some old favourites 10 or so years ago that you never hear anymore:

    'We are the Geordies the cock of the north' 

    'We hate Nottingham Forest...we hate Sunderland too'

    'Howay the lads' - to Auld Lang Syne


    Would love to hear Coming Home Newcastle chorus get an airing now and then. 


    Can't really remember anything particularly unique in recent years either.


    Last ones were probably the Gouffran and Mbemba songs. Even they were probably Strawberry Corner/Away day songs. Saying that, I have absolutely no idea how you just make a song up for it to catch on. 


    Absolutely hate a million times over the 'Martin Dubravka/Hatem Ben Arfa/Nobby Solano' rehash.


    Look at Liverpool's for Salah, Firminho, Van Dijk etc. Fucking class. I am glad we haven't adapted a rip off version of that 'Allez, Allez Allez' song sung by basically everyone now though.


    Coming Home Newcastle and Big River would be class.

  4. Wish we had a better songbook like.


    Would be class to get songs like 'I'm coming home Newcastle' in away ends.


    We just rehash basically everything. Even the Callum Wilson one now is Shearer's ffs.

  5. Didn't realise he actually orchestrated a 22 game unbeaten run early in his first year at Arsenal.


    Sounds organised and meticulous with detail - basically exactly what we need. I was all in on Fonseca, and yes I'm probably blinded by the fact he isn't coming now, but I did touch on in an earlier post in this thread, not sure Fonseca would be a good fit *right now* due to having to basically change a team that's designed to sit deep into an attacking, possession based team.


    Emery seems perfect for our current predicament and really good statement from the owners. Happy fucking days.

  6. Hopefully all those shitting their pants now understand why it's taken so long. A huge statement from new owners imo. To take a top manager from a job would basically just confirm everything we hoped we already knew - they've got serious plans here.


  7. 1 minute ago, GWN said:


    How are you 100% certain, I don’t care how well Ajax are doing , they can’t offer the salary  we can give him , if he’s on £1m a year and we offer £5m you think he will say no? 100%? [emoji38]

    ‘Next to 0%’. There’s always a chance - like you say, money talks. But I’ll be astounded if it’s him.

  8. Just now, Ben said:

    Any particular reason why 

    As others have touched on, domestically Ajax are flying and top of their Champions League group with 100% record.


    As tempting as the promise of riches will be, I just think he’d be more inclined to see the season out and see what other jobs are available. He’s been linked with Barcelona etc, I just don’t think he’s realistic now. Would love him, just maybe a few years too early for going and taking Ajax manager off them whilst he’s still in a job . 

    Also read numerous times that the owners basically want someone out of work, rather than get tangled in a legal battle.

  9. 3 minutes ago, nbthree3 said:



    I'm OK with that to be honest. Gives the new manager the full international break to get things together and a relatively nice run of fixtures to hopefully get a 'bounce' (Brentford, Arsenal, Norwich & Burnley). Pretty horrendous run after that mind :lol:

  10. Be funny if this prick got snagged by Dark Justice or some other nonce vigilante to see how the press would react to their darling then. 


    Also, best bit of advice I can give anyone is mute the word 'Bruce' and mute Talksport on Twitter. Much better.

  11. Will be over the moon if it's him, granted don't know huge amounts about him but given the consortium aren't 'football' people as such, they've cleared taken advice on this.


    Reservations on whether he will be able to implement his style on a team fighting relegation that is designed to sit deep by nature, but look at how Rodgers was able to change Leicester after a window or two.


    If he can keep us up, I'd be very excited for next season and beyond. It's been a long, long time since we've had a team that plays on the front-foot. 


    Would be an exciting appointment for sure, but won't please a lot of the fans who clamour for Eddie fucking Howe (nowt against him by the way, but this is far more exciting)

  12. Howe is definitely meh but much less meh than Bruce so I'm in.


    In all seriousness, not the bloke to sort out the defensive issues but could give us a bump for a few games. Brentford, Norwich and Burnley back to back home games in Nov/early Dec. 7 points needed as a minimum in them.

  13. If we are on another day off he's probably deliberately doing it to avoid them. 


    Probably blocked their numbers too and has his blinds closed at his gaff. Watching tele in the back room so nobody can see any lights on (like me on Halloween).

  14. 8 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    We're not in trouble yet


    I thought this too until Carragher actually highlighted how kind the fixture list has been (I've barely paid attention until the takeover went through) + the fact we still have to play Liverpool, Man City & Chelsea twice. That's 6 games with probably 0 points - so that will be 14 games with 3 points. It leaves 24 games to get probably 37 points. Not impossible but it's extremely worrying now.


    Can't see us getting anything from Palace either FWIW. We need points fast. 

  15. Regardless Bruce, the Sports Direct signs or whatever else still remains from the Ashley era, it was an absolutely fantastic, moving day.


    The emotion I felt hearing Big River - namely 'the river will rise again' followed by Local Hero, is something that will live long in the memory. Tears in my eyes and goosebumps all over - I'm getting them again as I type this. As I've touched on previously, I lost my brother this summer who was a season ticket holder with me until we packed in when Benitez left. I'm fucking devastated he never got to experience this but I know wherever he is, he would have been smiling down.


    Town was incredible beforehand, you really could feel it in the air. St James' was full about 10 minutes before kick off. Was a proper old school atmosphere that will live with us all forever. That hasn't been felt in God knows how long. There's kids there who would have never, ever have experienced anything like that. I do fear the crowd in general has changed but hopefully in time we will get it bouncing again. A lot will depend on certain people getting their Season Tickets back, it's sad to read many have just completely fallen out of love with it and don't intend to go back - I know a few myself. I feared I'd be one of them but was so moved and how easily the switch flicked for me being in the Gallowgate.


    It's a mighty shame the team and match itself was shocking, and the head coach is a circus animal, but for now it's just important for us all to come to terms with having Newcastle United back in our lives feels fucking amazing.


    The river will rise again indeed.


    Hats off to all those involved in saving that bloke's life too. Remarkable people and would like to think the club invite them as guests to the next game.

  16. Anyone up for partying back at St James' when this useless prick gets binned?


    Seriously though, I know it's easy to say now, but I honestly believe with a new man there yesterday - Jones or otherwise - we would have went on to get a result. The emotion from the crowd basically got them the first goal, but the team quickly reverted to type.


    Having not been to St James' Park since the Liverpool game under Benitez, I can't say I've watched much of Bruce's NUFC. It was just a pure shambles, non-existent midfield with the plan seemingly to give it to ASM.


    I definitely won't be criticising the new owners anytime soon if I can help it, but it genuinely is completely detrimental to our season the longer he's there. We need points fast, the Christmas fixtures are God awful. Hopefully they have seen enough yesterday to understand this pillock has stolen a living for 1000 fucking games. Hideous bloke stuck in the 90s. 'Let's play'.

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