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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. Posted this in the takeover thread, but I’m hanging all my hope on the Trust hopefully being able to pull some weight with any (potential) new owners with regards to people who have cancelled last summer and throughout the Ashley tenure.


    Me and my family (4 of us) had 500+ points between us, so it was through a very heavy heart to get rid last summer. Especially when I’d just started taking my boy. I’m not really that bothered as much about the points, just hope I’d be able to get a ticket back. May look disloyal to those that stayed but I’d stayed through worse in the past, just literally couldn’t be arsed with Ashley anymore.


    Got to hope the 10k Free Ticket Mags don’t sign up for another year I suppose, but I think tickets will be like hot cakes if (when) the takeover happens.


    Hopefully good PR from new owners but I think it would ruffle a few feathers with the ‘loyal/Bruce-lot’ who kept their tickets.


    Howay the fucking Trust.


    I made a point a few years ago when people on here started to absolutely blast those who still had their season ticket and went to the game, I said that I was keeping mine because at some point in the future we would be taken over and it would be difficult to get a seat again...  I made that mistake many years ago when the ground was being redeveloped and I was turning up each home game and paying on the turnstyles...  there was tons of pressure to buy season tickets in the newly opened areas but, I carried on paying on the gate - albeit I was moving to different areas of the ground due to my preferred area either being closed or sold out to season tickets....  I can still remember the week when I went with my mates and we couldn't get in anywhere....  I was about 14 years old and I didn't get into St James' for several seasons after that, I missed a load of the great times in the 90's simply because I didn't take anyones advice to buy a season ticket - they were cheap and plentiful but, I knew best!


    I eventually got a season ticket in 2003 after being on the waiting list for a couple of seasons and had - in the end - three great seats for me and my dad then my young son joined us from about 2010.  Then the pressure came from others telling me that I was a puppet to Ashley and paying money to watch Newcastle was the worst thing I could possibly do...  I resisted, I had to walk through protests outside the ground, my dad had some bloke screaming in his face that he was a disgrace for entering St James' while Ashley was destroying the club and all this took its toll.


    Last season I threw it in.  To be fair I was really not enjoying the football, going to the match had become a real drag and at the end of last season I decided that I had enough and was throwing it in.... 


    You can imagine how I am feeling now....  We are on the verge of potentially some great times and I am once again on the outside.  I bowed to pressure and allowed myself to start to hate football because of others and because of Ashley.  Chances of getting a season ticket for next season???  Close to zero I would say.  I am gutted.


    Yeah I wouldn’t worry too much mate. Had mine many years and had over 150pts but I’m still proud I had the courage to wrap it in. Nothing disloyal about caring so much it pushes you away.


    I’m sure we will be able to get season tickets , we are in the middle of a pandemic and the trust will do all they can (I hope) to try get boycotters back.


    I just worry about the animosity between those who stayed and those who got fed up and left.

  2. I do honestly think he will be Staveley's primary target. He was a huge factor in her negotiations in 2017 and all 3 of her bids were dependent on him staying (I think).


    All depends on whether he'd leave Dalian early really, but I do think the new regime will want him.

  3. Probably missed the discussion on this already. But what are people’s thoughts on being owned by a bunch of reprehensible scumbags, who make Mike Ashley seem fairly decent in comparison?


    I’m caught in two minds. Obviously happy that it looks like the fat twat is finally on his way out and I can enjoy football again. But been fairly critical of the Saudi regime in the past and have read plenty of horror stories about them.


    The UK government is happy to deal with them and I’m sure we actually supplied them with £650m worth of weapons, so I honestly don’t feel concerned.


    I would take a consortium of Jack the Rippers corpse with Fred West to get rid of Ashley though.

  4. Posted this in the takeover thread, but I’m hanging all my hope on the Trust hopefully being able to pull some weight with any (potential) new owners with regards to people who have cancelled last summer and throughout the Ashley tenure.


    Me and my family (4 of us) had 500+ points between us, so it was through a very heavy heart to get rid last summer. Especially when I’d just started taking my boy. I’m not really that bothered as much about the points, just hope I’d be able to get a ticket back. May look disloyal to those that stayed but I’d stayed through worse in the past, just literally couldn’t be arsed with Ashley anymore.


    Got to hope the 10k Free Ticket Mags don’t sign up for another year I suppose, but I think tickets will be like hot cakes if (when) the takeover happens.


    Hopefully good PR from new owners but I think it would ruffle a few feathers with the ‘loyal/Bruce-lot’ who kept their tickets.


    Howay the fucking Trust.

  5. Hopefully this is all positive, but I won’t hold my breath until it’s done! Hard to be excited but it definitely feels like we haven’t been here before.


    Wonder if I, like many others would be able to get our tickets back. Had mine 18 years, 153 points. I remember the Trust saying to upload evidence of points etc last summer when there were mass cancellations. Hopefully good PR for new owners to try and help, although the 10k free ticket Mags may now choose to keep theirs....


    Id be surprised if Staveley didnt do the right thing and sort out the people who sacked Ashley off


    Fingers crossed mate. No doubt those who remained ‘loyal’ may whinge a little!

  6. Hopefully this is all positive, but I won’t hold my breath until it’s done! Hard to be excited but it definitely feels like we haven’t been here before.


    Wonder if I, like many others would be able to get our tickets back. Had mine 18 years, 153 points. I remember the Trust saying to upload evidence of points etc last summer when there were mass cancellations. Hopefully good PR for new owners to try and help, although the 10k free ticket Mags may now choose to keep theirs....

  7. I know I'm kicking a team while they are down, but I don't think Liverpool are as good as their current points total suggests.


    They will win the league and deserve to do so, but it wouldn't surprise if they become complacent in the transfer market this summer like Man City did and fall back a lot next season.


    Definitely. My brother in law follows them home and away and he says they were much better last season.

  8. Haven’t posted on here in a while, not that people will notice to be fair as I was sporadic. Had a shit few months since summer, battling some inner demons. I’m still struggling daily. It was due to a family loss and the fact I packed in my ticket. Its been the worst 6 months of my life and I struggle to get my head off the pillow.


    It’s been really hard and I haven’t watched a single minute or highlight of NUFC which has killed me. Had my ticket 20 years and to watch them just offer this is an insult to those who actually kept their ticket.


    NUFC is completely dead and I really hope they go bust. Hate myself for saying that, but the majority of people deserve Ashley now. Thankfully, the majority of you folk don’t judging by the comments but it really is heartbreaking what’s happened to OUR club.


    Not looking for sympathy by the way, just really culminated and hit me today that it’s gone. Completely gone. Fucking devastating.

  9. ‘The Don’ is currently in the Clock in Hebburn presumably on another fan-begging mission!


    i always thought in Hebburn the Clock was an NUFC pub and its the Longship thats Sunderland?

    A few of my mates live in Hebburn and I have to drive past that pub every time I visit them. It looks horrible as fuck, always some chavs outside drinking shit lager and looking a right mess. They had a scaffold wall with the flags of every nation competing at the World Cup up last summer, looked like the tackiest thing ever.

    It’s no surprise the few Sunderland fans in South Tyneside would go there, in saying that though they are always advertising that they are showing the Newcastle games and never advertise Sunderland games.


    The Clock is pretty much the opposite of what you’ve said to be fair. Attracts the odd charver, like anywhere presumably but not rough at all.

  10. I'm in bed I'm not watching that shit  :lol:


    I always browse here with my morning brew it's ritual. That's all. I was hoping to see some comments taking the piss out Ashley fc not people talking and planning tactics like it matters. Winning games just makes Ashley richer and keeps him here longer. I can't see how people don't get that at this point.


    Stop having expectations of other people man.


    Just do what you think is best. Nobody wants to be told what to do by anyone.


    The Geordie nation, Ashley’s perfect customer.




    Never bought anything from Mike Ashley or care one jot about him. Just talking about the match.


    I find all this behaviour incredibly obnoxious. You're all as bad as Mike Ashley. It's the same pig headed attitude.


    You’re taking it incredibly personally. When I first mentioned it, I just was curious as to how you give a fuck. Like seriously, tactics, systems, whatever - I am so broken with it all I honestly just don’t care. It makes no difference to me if we win the first 10 games of next season. The disease is still present.


    Didn’t mean to cause offence and I definitely don’t hold anything against anyone for watching and caring. I’m probably just jealous that I wish I did. Sad state of affairs, man.

  11. Muto has great close control. Shame this system wont fit Almiron and him.


    Unless Miggy could play deeper in one of the midfield places alongside Shelvey?


    It's going to be interesting. Really like the look of Muto.


    Miggy in the position Colback is playing could be really dynamic.


    I think this setup really suits Shelvey, as he has the two other midfield runners alongside him to do all the legwork.


    No offence but I’m really struggling to see how you give this much of a fuck. It’s the most uninteresting thing in the world.


    Yeah, I know. I'm struggling to see how your struggling too.


    You’re*. Fair enough mate, enjoy it.

  12. Muto has great close control. Shame this system wont fit Almiron and him.


    Unless Miggy could play deeper in one of the midfield places alongside Shelvey?


    It's going to be interesting. Really like the look of Muto.


    Miggy in the position Colback is playing could be really dynamic.


    I think this setup really suits Shelvey, as he has the two other midfield runners alongside him to do all the legwork.


    No offence but I’m really struggling to see how you give this much of a fuck. It’s the most uninteresting thing in the world.

  13. Could loyalty points be something that could potentially be taken up with new owners? Seems to be a sticking point for a lot of people (understandably). Surely they're still tied to the club's database somewhere?


    Hope so. The Trust have something on their website where you can upload your name, supporter number and the date you cancelled (alongside a photo) so can only presume they’d use this if (huge if) we ever get taken over. Basically my entire family and all of my friends bar 1 have packed it. God only knows how many points between us and I echo what others have said about it hurting, it fucking killed me. But I won’t be back until Ashley is gone. Hopefully soon so my boy can one day have the same experience I had with my Dad, but with him being 2 now I very much doubt it.


    It honestly broke my heart but what can you do. As a supporter it isn’t just about being loyal or going for a piss up. It’s about dreaming of a day at Wembley. It’s about trying to challenge the big boys. Look forward of going to Europe with family and friends. There’s nothing really like SJP under the lights. One man has completely detached a fan base, an entire city from the beating heart which is Newcastle United. I know I keep saying it but it’s absolutely depressing that we will lose generations, probably my own son, because of Ashley.


    I realise I’ve only just given it up with a huge heavy heart, but I do feel if anybody still goes you’re part of a huge problem. No disrespect to those that don’t it has just killed me.


    Apologies for the long boring post. Good to see so many like me. We are doing the right thing.

  14. Whilst I understand the sentiment of boycotting, the only genuine way of making a stand is if we all cancel. Mines cancelled now - as is my Dad’s, two brothers and 3 nephews. 5/8 people I sit with have cancelled. Probably about 800-1000 loyalty points between us. Fucking heartbreaking but it’s the only way I can see that will help us get our club back.


    Sadly, I’ll be in the minority and there’ll be 40k+ against Arsenal.

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