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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. I think we need another striker. Whilst with what we've got, a very experienced addition may seem most obvious, just considered that with money coming in and the attraction of  Rafa we may be able to pick-up a future star from Spain. Someone like Inaki Williams would fit the Rafa brief, but guess it depends how much he rates Perez, Rivière and Mitrovic as well as Toney and Armstrong. God, scratch that, we do need an older head!


    Come on. Inaki Williams will have have 100x better offers, including staying put.

  2. Can't see him being particularly good. Assume Rafa can see a player he can mould in there.


    He'll get a bit of a free pass because he's "only young" but that's BS. 21 isnt 'young'. Mbemba is 21 and played 3 seasons as a starter in the top leagues in Belgium and England. Hayden has 18 starts for a first team in his whole career


    He'll be fine. Will play at least 25 games next year, whether that's a start or from the bench. Will do him the world of good, and he's only 21. Hull fans seem gutted they arnt getting him permanently, and they're a Premier League club. Good signing.

  3. When you see the money being paid for Premier League players, we should get good fees for Wijnaldum and Sissoko regardless of what we think of them.


    Anything less than £35m for the pair and we've been fleeced, and I want them both gone fwiw. I still think at least one of them will be here come September.

  4. At least we found out he was a mercenary c*** early on and got our money back. No harm done, now we can focus on bringing players here who understand what this football club is about and want to be part of something great.


    Is this serious? LOL what an awful post.


    It's from my perspective as a Newcastle fan, obviously being a Palace fan yourself you may view differently.

    You can only understand things from your own perspective?


    He's a mercenary c*** because he's joined a fairly established PL club?


    Out of all our signings in recent years few seem to genuinely work as hard and understand what this club is about then Townsend.  I believe he joined us in the first place as he felt we should be able to stay up, he could get back into the England squad and we would be a fantastic club for him going forward. 


    We've been relegated.  He's in the prime of his career.  He did his best to keep us here.  He deserves to play in the PL this season. 


    Comments like yours feed into this notion that football fans but especially Newcastle fans are fickle. 


    If a good player leaves to play at a higher level or for a bigger club = mercenary c***. 


    Grow up mate. 


    He's a feckless little s*** who repaid our adulation and support by pissing off at the first opportunity. That too after we gave him a chance to rebuild his dead in the water England career. No wonder Pochettino turfed him out of Spurs the snidey little c***.



  5. The Escasty Of Gold should be the team entrance music for sure.


    Should always be Local Hero to be fair.


    That's a movie. Take it you mean Going Home? Always found it a bit trite. Time for a new start.


    I am aware of that fact, but everyone calls it Going Home like don't they. Nah we got rid of it under Allardyce and it was shit. Part of tradition, keep it.

  6. Thanks for 2009-2012. The rest of the years have been a mixture of highs and lows, mainly lows. Will never forget his performance at the SoL in the 1-1 draw, but will also never forget how much of a shit captain he was. Right time to go.

  7. Daily Mail reporting Townsend wants to stay.


    We will see.

    Hope so. He'll obliterate the Championship.


    Where's this? Will possibly masturbate if true and from Craig Hope.

  8. Not a fan of Ritchie. We already have enough midfielders who are as slow as a snail with limited ability and he's nowhere near Andros' level.


    Unfortunately, he's the type we will probably be looking at due to relegation but i'd much rather we look elsewhere.



    He was excellent in their 3-1 win at our place. Had a very good game. His intelligence on the ball reminded me of Nobby at times.

    Harvey Price would of looked good against us that day


    f*** off with that sort of s*** crack man. Not funny at all.

    Dry your eyes man, far worse is constantly said on here.


    Sincerely hope you have no mental illness to deal with in your family. Your comment might seem funny to you but you have no idea who you are upsetting. Grow up.

  9. Not a fan of Ritchie. We already have enough midfielders who are as slow as a snail with limited ability and he's nowhere near Andros' level.


    Unfortunately, he's the type we will probably be looking at due to relegation but i'd much rather we look elsewhere.



    He was excellent in their 3-1 win at our place. Had a very good game. His intelligence on the ball reminded me of Nobby at times.

    Harvey Price would of looked good against us that day


    Fuck off with that sort of shit crack man. Not funny at all.

  10. Craig Hope has been totally on the ball now for months with news about us - Rafa is staying!


    You've been optimistic all along Paully! Did you have a bet with Coral when it was 11/8 the other day?



    I have mate!


    I've got a large bet on at 4/7 mate as per my post in the betting thread!!


    Good stuff. Fingers crossed :thup:

  11. Craig Hope has been totally on the ball now for months with news about us - Rafa is staying!


    You've been optimistic all along Paully! Did you have a bet with Coral when it was 11/8 the other day?

  12. 5/2 to win the Championship. Sure it was as high as 9/2 the other day, then 7/2 when it looked like he may stay. Would expect us to win but still pretty short odds. Not an easy league by any stretch.


    It's crap man :lol: it's a league full of average crap, only teams who struggle are just that. Remember when we went down last time Shola was on target for 20 goals before injury for christ sake :lol:


    I have no doubt that if Rafa stays we'll walk it.


    A lot of the teams are that; crap. But I would say the top 8-10 teams in the Championship could more than give it a decent go in the Premier League. I do fancy us, just can't see it being as easy as last time regardless of who the manager is. Some sides down there play very decent football now, and the consensus that they'll just kick the shit out of you is a complete myth.


    Adding to that we will have Norwich to compete with, Brighton, Derby, Villa (if they sort their shit out and appoint a half decent manager) amongst others, it won't be the doddle some are expecting.


    We will have the best squad, best manager and the biggest budget, but just think 5/2 is slightly short.

  13. 5/2 to win the Championship. Sure it was as high as 9/2 the other day, then 7/2 when it looked like he may stay. Would expect us to win but still pretty short odds. Not an easy league by any stretch.

  14. Just a scout with some decent connections. Thinking he knew better than anyone else as per usual, after a few hits Ashley thought Carr was untouchable and it went downhill from there. Putting him on the board ffs.


    Yeah having him on the board was fucking weird. That full 'board' was weird and full of weirdos. Hopefully it's the second thing Rafa gives the boot (after Taylor).

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