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Everything posted by Penn

  1. I love getting mad at imaginary feminists making imaginary arguments.
  2. Not sure delayed CRB checks would cause Caulkin/his source within Staveley's team to start talking about an "incredibly complex", "vastly complicated" issue that "wasn't anticipated". Wood for the trees, lads.
  3. I've posted three times in the last seven days mate. If you're genuinely so confident the deal is a) going to happen and b) is a good thing, then you shouldn't let a few internet posts sour your mood. The good times are on their way. Melting down at the very occasional dissenting opinion should be saved for the likes of RAWK, not this place.
  4. Astonishing that anyone is still taking notice of that Shell goon. Absolute bullshit artist preying on the simpleton nature of most of our fanbase. Would anyone like a peer-to-peer bet with me on this? £1k into escrow that Newcastle United Limited is still a 100% subsidiary of MASH Holdings Limited as at 01/06/2020?
  5. If we were watching this play out at another club and could be objective, would we be thinking "this looks like it's petering out..."?
  6. Yeah I agree with this. To be honest they could rename the club, turn St James' into student accommodation, build a new ground at the Silverlink, publicly behead Keegan - as long as we compete for Champion's League places and spend big money in the transfer windows it's all good by me.
  7. #cans if another bid is successful People who haven't already fallen in love with the journalist murderers are going to be very, very pleasantly surprised.
  8. RedBird Capital - a name we're about to hear a lot more of in the next few days. Long way to go in this saga yet...
  9. And the crown prince of Saudi Arabia is chairman of that 'company'. It's pretty clear this deal is going one way now and it ain't towards completion... Is this cunt on the wind up No, Stifler genuinely believes the stuff he comes out with. But knock the insults on the head all the same.
  10. And the crown prince of Saudi Arabia is chairman of that 'company'. It's pretty clear this deal is going one way now and it ain't towards completion...
  11. Just some bad PR for the Saudis and PL from the Qataris plus the faintest possible hope of scuppering it is my guess. Given that BeIN/Qatar have tried to do this in the past in France where they dominate the sports broadcast industry they have no hope of stopping a deal in the UK worth this amount of money with the potential of it making billions for the PL. Could you explain the maths here - how could the takeover result in billions of pounds more in revenue for the Premier League? Are you fucking stupid? I don't think so!
  12. Just some bad PR for the Saudis and PL from the Qataris plus the faintest possible hope of scuppering it is my guess. Given that BeIN/Qatar have tried to do this in the past in France where they dominate the sports broadcast industry they have no hope of stopping a deal in the UK worth this amount of money with the potential of it making billions for the PL. Could you explain the maths here - how could the takeover result in billions of pounds more in revenue for the Premier League?
  13. The fact that share prices have dropped during a global pandemic seems to be his reasoning. Why do you lads feel the need to defend the investment chops of PIF? They are notoriously awful investors and have developed a reputation for sinking money into complete dead-end enterprises. The Vision Fund is the biggest joke in the history of private equity. It's really not particularly relevant to NUFC though, so it's not worth getting upset about it.
  14. Pretty astonishing the Premier League felt they had to make a public statement. They're clearly very much feeling the heat in a way they've never experienced before.
  15. I think the beIN intervention is likely the death knell for the deal. It gives the Premier League the economic rationale to reject it, in addition to the political cover provided by Amnesty and the general media outcry.
  16. Hearing very bad things about the impact of the oil price collapse on this deal. Potentially a moratorium on all state-backed acquisitions as the Saudis seek to consolidate their cash position.
  17. Nothing has actually "leaked". Statutory documents have been filed to Companies House - everything else is journo bullshit.
  18. Absolutely. I'm certain the fate of Gossy race course and Stack featured prominently in the discussions between MBS and the other consortium members.
  19. Actually you can, and absolutely everybody does. I care more about the morality of the NUFC ownership than I do the Uber ownership. I care more about the wrongdoings of the British state than I do the wrongdoings of the Tajikistan state. Campaigners who dedicate their lives to combating domestic violence care more about domestic violence than they do climate change. No human can possibly dedicate the same level of investment into each and every moral outrage. Picking and choosing is the only option, and if you reject that then you're arguing no-one should ever express any sort of moral concern about any act, which would be perverse.
  20. Thanks for that sober legal analysis there Michelle! She's correct in what she says, is she not? "Our view is that he's likely trying to pave the way for continuing to paint his fellow Londoner..." - that's not a legal analysis, it's a pathetic sop to the "Cockney b******" masses on Twitter designed to keep the RTs and likes flowing. She's a junior solicitor in her 20s with zero experience of corporate acquisitions, and should be ignored by anyone with an interest in reality. Bet she has a lot more knowledge on the subject than you though. I'm a chartered accountant who now works in corporate finance, so if a junior solicitor from a criminal law background knows more then I'm even shitter at my job than I thought. But lets not get into a proxy willy-waving contest, it's all a bit embarrassing. I'm just trying to help people see the wood for the trees.
  21. Thanks for that sober legal analysis there Michelle! She's correct in what she says, is she not? "Our view is that he's likely trying to pave the way for continuing to paint his fellow Londoner..." - that's not a legal analysis, it's a pathetic sop to the "Cockney bastard" masses on Twitter designed to keep the RTs and likes flowing. She's a junior solicitor in her 20s with zero experience of corporate acquisitions, and should be ignored by anyone with an interest in reality.
  22. That Shell bird on Twitter is an absolute doylem as well. Thanks for that sober legal analysis there Michelle!
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