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Everything posted by Penn

  1. Will be fucking hilarious if this goes tits up again. All that prostrating at the feet of far-right theocrats for nowt
  2. I've no doubt a football writer at Eurosport France has impeccable sources within the Saudi Royal family and the UK real estate business. Rafa returns - bet your house on it.
  3. No reason to doubt a Man City fan who has researched FFP rules.
  4. I actually can't wait for this. Good football, high-profile stars, regularly challenging for silverware, European nights, unprecedented investment in the local area bringing new, high-paying jobs. Will lead to a complete rebirth of Tyneside. The good times are well and truly back.
  5. Or more likely they support teams that are feeling threatened by a resurgent NUFC. Or even more likely they're journalists and have a straightforward duty to report on the issue and ask these questions? The almost instant Man City-fication of the NUFC fanbase is fucking mad to watch occur in real time.
  6. I don't give a shite about human rights abuses within the context of a sport Thanks bud. Good to get the moral depravity out in the open. Saudis have their fingers in many services we use everyday. I don’t see why when all of a sudden football is involved people start finding a moral compass. I don't have quite the same relationship with BP as I do NUFC. This argument isn't going to cut it, sorry.
  7. I don't give a shite about human rights abuses within the context of a sport Thanks bud. Good to get the moral depravity out in the open. You have no idea of my moral depravity. Keep virtue signalling though, you pure sainted man, sure that'll stop the bombs. You won't support the propaganda vehicle of a murderous, theocratic, terrorism-sponsoring regime? What a lily-livered virtue-signaller you are!
  8. I don't give a shite about human rights abuses within the context of a sport Thanks bud. Good to get the moral depravity out in the open.
  9. Can people just be honest and say they simply don't give a fuck about human rights abuses? Have the courage of your convictions - the "maybe they're actually trying to reform by buying us!!" shite is just embarrassing.
  10. Not single one of these journos has any inside information. Some randos found the Companies House filings and they're now scrambling to not appear clueless.
  11. No reason to doubt figures from somewhere. That's definitely the 5% deposit. Would that make the overall price of the club £260m? Lads, the £13m figure has been plucked out of thin air.
  12. No reason to doubt figures from somewhere. That's definitely the 5% deposit.
  13. Penn

    Players wages

    If you were a billionaire you wouldn't pay your employees? And it's the employees that are the greedy fuckers in this scenario?
  14. Mods! Please ban those responsible!
  15. Because WSJ journalists have actual contacts in high finance where this story began circulating.
  16. LOL, he’s had a go at Google Slides. Also, this purchase flow makes zero sense. Why can’t we have some semblance of normalcy at this fucking club? It makes perfect sense tbh. That obviously hasn't come from the mind of anyone at TalkSport.
  17. Anyone who would continue to support the club in any capacity when owned by the Saudi state is scum.
  18. Pitiful from Gayle. Pure cowardice.
  19. Think we'll nick this 1-2. Don't see us winning though.
  20. Being a statistical anomaly to such an absurd extent is usually a bad sign. It suggests the approach is either a) catastrophically unsustainable or b) the result of quite a profound and radical tactical insight from Steve Bruce.
  21. What a weird little creep this tgarve lad is.
  22. Comparing him to Jonas - a leaden-footed workhorse - is perhaps the worst shout of all time.
  23. Sean is clearly significantly more gifted. Matty will have a Colback-esque career (which sounds inflammatory at this point but is inevitable).
  24. Almiron is pretty bad at football. The only intrigue on that attack was how he was going to manage to fuck it up.
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