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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Willock has 4 players to pick - passes it STRAIGTH to wolves - fuck me
  2. He hasnt done it for two seasons. It’s been a problem ever since he decided on his 4-3-3 without a DM or anyone in the ilk to slot back there to protect the space between defense and midfield.
  3. If we play like this against a genuine side we will get smashed again like. Good to be through but I can’t wait to see the mentality back to last years flying high level.
  4. Wouldnt that just make the DoF a bit redundant? I thought the idea was to have a DoF with a plan regardless of who the manager was so when the manager leaves the new one can pick up and follow the plan.
  5. worthy

    Dan Burn

    Wrong game to use as an example - Cause Botman and Schar + our dogshit midfield has given the goals. Oh and two of them is on Karius.
  6. I'll take you up on that offer.
  7. Why the fuck doesnt he try to actually change anything to suit what we have available - This midfield 3 doesnt work with his current way of playing - Yet he keeps on fucking doing it and we are getting rinsed against everyone at the moment.
  8. This whole month has been so fucking shit - and he cant blame that we play 5 games a week anymore either. He clearly is a one trick pony, and when that one trick doesnt suit whatever we have available, still goes on with it.
  9. How the fuck didnt Karius save that? A pub fucking league keeper would have hold that.
  10. Is this guy still learning? Cause every time people have just said "he will learn from x/y/z". The pocket between midfield is still getting abused by any team. He can only use one formation even if our current players available does not suit it. He is seemingly having a hard time learning.
  11. No one will see the classic Howe 60 sub coming this time around!
  12. Whoever said that Longstaff isnt a championship clogger, show him this whole season with him. He has no goddamn place in a midfield that needs work.
  13. Defend him like he is a god aye. He never does anything wrong, aye
  14. Using this game to try to use this shows how clueless regarding football you are
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