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Everything posted by worthy

  1. worthy

    Lewis Hall

    Amazing to see what a real LB actually can do
  2. Imagine if Hall actually got gametime instead of burn on the regular.
  3. Rolling it to willock whom you see is moving IN as you get the ball, fucking big brain there burn.
  4. I love that Haaland was literally just walking in a straight line without any pressure
  5. One of my biggest irks was when he dropped Tino as soon as the big oaf burn was back from injury, then he gets fucking run ring around as expected again and just stays in, would also love to know what the reason is for keeping Trippier on when he was screaming for a rest in his gifting goals for fun stage. What kind of evil doing has Hall done to not get any sniff. Why not just give the youngsters some minutes when its clear that some players are running on fumes and literally cant almost walk. And whats with the damn space between midfield and defense that hasn't been fixed since he took over, it was exploited back then as well, but Pope and our CBs decided to play like gods. And he might not be a dullard, but when idiots like me can spot the problems, shouldn't the man getting paid huge amounts of money manage to spot the same thing and perhaps address it?
  6. Its more so the way Howe approaches games, and abundance of loyalty to out of form players. And of course that god forsaken midfield pocket that has been open since he took over. We are letting in soft goals left right and center, fair enough some freak injuries has been ruining the season, but he is so fucking stubborn to change, its like we have plan A and that's it. If plan A fails, then the whole damn house of cards blow over. And the "we played really well" after Chelsea match was like an insult.
  7. Just click that ignore button and be a howe arselicker.
  8. Just letting players shoot on their strong foot and only looking at them is just pathetic. And that is down to instructions, unless both players are so shit scared that they are not going out to pressure - But then they have fuck all to do on the pitch if that is the case.
  9. Im so over him. I dont like his tactics, I dont like his love for players when there is actually possible to change them when they are playing shit, I dont like his "learn learn learn" which never happens. I dont like the fucking midfield-defense pocket that never ever gets fixed.
  10. Yeah about that pocket that Howe supposedly is learning about
  11. The tweaks are not there. Burn is getting overrun cause he doesn’t have Big Joe to protect him. Isak has to go back to get the ball due to the shit flat midfield 3 we won’t go away from. The right wing has been laughable all season and should have been upgraded before anything else. People are getting rushed back cause they suit his shit system cause the man can’t change. This is his Bournemouth last season look. It is that fucking bad away from home. and don’t get me started about the huge pocket between midfield and defense that never has been sorted since he took over and let teams play around far too easily.
  12. How about trying to change the way we play to suit what is available. Like most actual competent managers would do. Gee what a thought, must be a rocket scientist to think of something that revolutionary
  13. If I were the saudis I would be looking at a change after this season, especially if Howe gets to decide all incoming.
  14. Why do we keep on doing the same shit that doesn’t work over and over and over? what a fucking hit, Murph!
  15. The he will learn shit is done. He has learned absolutely fuck all it seems to me like.
  16. If we actually played well. That would be fine. But Howe has no fucking idea how to play away anymore it seems. We are actually fucking useless away
  17. Fucking pathetic. No other words. Absolutely fucking shit. Players and tactics
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