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Everything posted by worthy

  1. The poor part comes from him literally standing still looking at the save then continuing to stand still. 0 reaction.
  2. We need to fully go for it in second half. Draw is not good enough against these
  3. We are second best, at this point subs on the bench are playing better. Isak needs to be central and ASM out wide.
  4. The way burn gave away the ball near our box man…
  5. What does target have to do to be picked
  6. Also now that murphy has learned to use his pace, him coming on against tired legs might be golden.
  7. Lets fucking smash them and big sams ego right the fuck down
  8. Their goalkeeper is honestly worse than my pub team
  9. Are keepers allowed to do that? If so Pope get on it!
  10. Fair points, but you would think they would have prepared better. And terrible keeper play, why does he open that and let him just shoot. Selling himself short.
  11. If Everton can score, then bloody hell. We should be able to as well.
  12. Would love to have him on the right
  13. Truly amazing how VAR doesnt check that one at all - He literally pulls his arm out to extend yet thats not a handball? His arm is in a V shape going away from his back. Truly fucking amazing how dogshit PL refs are.
  14. Yeah that pisses me off. You cant call it "clear and obvious error" when you use 4 minutes to decide.
  15. we got out-shithoused and our midfield was just wank.
  16. honestly that shot he took when we were up the pitch was fucking shambolic choice. He could have played 4 players, decides to shoot half-assed. That shit pisses me off more than anything else. Its fine to have a bad game, but dont fucking throw away shit like that.
  17. Hope we just go for injuries now, let them actually feel pain. Break some legs
  18. No one gives a shit if man city wins it, if Arsenal does with their cuntyness, by god.
  19. I agree, Wilson has not been able to do much, should have been subbed around 50-60th at the latest.
  20. A man city fan talking about big club, now thats fucking ironi right there
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