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Everything posted by worthy

  1. We should have had this in the bag, we had the midfield full under control now its just fucking shit.
  2. Of course, we let them get a easy easy eeeeeeeaaaaaaasy goal.
  3. They still manage to attack us very well. Need to really dig in on their half, Trent is having major issues with Gordon's pace and it would be amazing if we can get another yellow on him.
  4. Miggy is useless in matches like this. I love him but jesus fucking christ he just squanders chances.
  5. Dogshit defending, Alvarez was all alone - what the fuck
  6. Fair point, but they seem as tame as wolves when it comes to finishing.
  7. manu look fucking wank. if Wolves actually had a finisher they would have smashed them.
  8. What a fucking player he was today. Immense, if he continues like this then jeez.
  9. Madley is fucking dogshit. Hope he steps on lego every single day he wakes up, fucking cretin of a human
  10. worthy

    Harvey Barnes

    As much as I love ASM and his trickery, I think as soon as Barnes gets coached properly in the defensive part of his game he will fit perfectly in with the ultra press game that Howe wants to play.
  11. Aye, the players that join now will have to buy in to the idea of growing with the club. Even with CL this season. Either way it will be very interesting to see where we are at the end of the window.
  12. i'm never gonna financially recover from this
  13. Cheers for an excellent write up @TonaliFan.
  14. Ill be right happy with any of them. Seems like both are quite solid players, although im still a bit pissed about the dive Maddison did to get Leicester the pen against us .
  15. Wasnt it the same story with Bruno? Fucking idiots
  16. Honestly if this goes through, im going to be a bit bummed out for you and the fans. I was in the same boat with that the odds where slim to none cause of the reasons you listed. And honestly the stick you got was uncalled for. You are solid and your posts are fantastic mate.
  17. Wasn't there something about AC being forced out by the fat tyrant?
  18. Bath is running now, getting cans!
  19. Still playing for Rosenborg, so we still have time!
  20. Tonali would be quite the statement signing.
  21. worthy


    A huge testament to Joelinton as a person and player. And another one to Howe as a manager and teacher. Players wondering if they should join can just look at Joelinton and see what can happen.
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