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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Posts posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Think we really see the benefit of the way he trains the squad in games like these. Everyone bang up for it can only be because of the intensity of our training.

  2. To be honest less about the length of the ban (going on the assumption it’s going to write him off for this season and at least some of the next). More about whether he can engage in football related activities.

  3. 43 minutes ago, Matt1892 said:

    There is, as people get reduced sentences if they acknowledge they have an addiction. 


    That's not evidence that goes to whether or not he has a gambling addiction. If anything a tribunal would need to see evidence of the addiction if they were to take that into consideration. So the opposite is true. 

  4. 22 minutes ago, Memphis said:


    I see people saying this but it's simply not the case. Any athlete betting on themselves or their team to win sends a message to the rest of the gambling world - and an even bigger message when they don't bet on their team to win. It becomes clear within bookmaking circles how Tonali feels about his team's chances based on how much - or if - he bets. 


    And obviously he has access to all sorts of proprietary information, it's inexcusably daft to do. I sympathise with his addiction issues and I hope he gets help. But he will be and should be punished severely. 

    Good points. 

  5. I mean if it's betting on his team to win then it's stupid but not any different to win bonusses. Anyway, can't see anyone losing more than us if he's sacked. If it's 12 months then there's a good player with a logn career in front of them. Added bonus of being 'like a new signing.'

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