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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Posts posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Stick a pony in me pocket

    I'll fetch the suitcase from the van

    Cause if you want the best 'uns

    And you don't ask questions

    Then brother I'm your man


    Where it all comes from

    Is a mystery

    It's like the changing of the seasons

    And the tides of the sea

    But heres the one thats driving me berserk

    Why do only fools and horses work


    Seriously though, a list of players has been drawn up and money decided upon. Pards gets asked about negotiations he has nothing to do with whilst on pre-season and says these negotiations are taking place at corporate level. Crazy. :mysterysolved:

  2. Re the Inter thing I think it's important to keep in mind that he is likely to be negotiating terms with 'a club' very shortly. His hand is strengthened the more suitors he has.

  3. Well, there's no law against using that term though, is there?! :lol:


    Considering it was supposed to be an offensive term towards blacks can whites take offence to it too? I mean it suggests there is something inherently wrong with being white. Also I know 'wigger' is a slang term for whites acting 'black'* but 'choc ice' seems like a bit more fun, maybe its time whites came up with a new comparable phrase. The ferdinand/cole thing is a symbol of just how much the media is driving this. 



    *as in the negative stereotype of a minority of blacks.

  4. If I went into the street and racially abused someone, and a copper saw it, I'd expect to find myself in legal bother, too. The fact the FA dealt with it doesn't really come into it in terms of the application of the law.

    Put it into perspective with what ISN'T taken to court.

    This is nothing more than bloody name calling, and pandering to a pack of self-serving politically correct types. Even Ferdinand wasn't too happy about it being blow up in the manner it has been.

    There are people who have been TERRORIZED in their homes and the ones doing it haven't been taken to court. This is a mockery. A turd like Terry is even being held up as being victimized himself - where does it end ? "He THOUGHT in a racist way" ? He "looked at me in a racist manner" ? This kind of thing makes the worst kind of creep into a victim.


    Welcome to the Folly of Public Order Offences. I'm not saying the FA shouldn't be hard on him btw, if they have a policy on tackling racism on football then it would make sense for them to make an example out of him.

  5. From what I've read, a half time submission of "no case to answer" seems apt. Seems a flakey case to me.


    No doubt the bench will fudge it, call Terry's defence and them acquit after trial.


    The difficulty is that he seems to have admitted using the language. Whilst the Crown's case may well be flakey the fact that he has admitted using the words almost certainly means there is a case for Terry to answer, which he probably will in giving evidence.

  6. Today reported defence has called for the case to be thrown out because of lack of evidence, despite yesterday Terry admitted he said what he has been alleged to have said (he claims he was being 'sarcastic' I think he has mixed up 'sarcasm' with racist in his head) I do not understand how that can constitute a lack of evidence...


    Seems to be a pretty fruitless application but Terry is paying a Silk on a private basis so he's probably looking to bill for as much as possible....


    Whole trial just shows how badly focussed the racism debate is in this Country. Large part of the problem is the media. This isn't racism, its just idiots being idiots to each other.

  7. May be Giggs but Gary Birtles.  :rant:

    Get it in the boxxxx...




    PUT IT INNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    His commentary on our last game of the season was diabolical. I watched the game with an Evertonian who was similarly unimpressed.

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