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Posts posted by BillClinton

  1. Didn't think it was that bad..


    Neither do I. Last 10 minutes or so were a little slower, but we're generally moving the ball well. Cabella/Ayoze/Sissoko/Haidara and even Sammy have a good rapport going forward. Still worried about the defense falling asleep for half a second and Stoke sneaking a goal.


    :thup: We had some good looks on the counter. Much better then our first halves earlier in the season at least.

  2. Sammy's been our best player in my opinion.




    I just thought his movement has been decent, he has created a couple of openings and if we're going to create a decent chance it looks like it will come from him and Haidara linking up. I wouldn't have said anyone is standout on the pitch where I've missed someone having a blinder.


    Agree, I thought Sammy was doing well.

  3. GW 24


    Spurs 2-2 Arsenal

    Aston Villa 1-0 Chelsea

    Leicester 0-0 Crystal Palace

    Man City 2-0 Hull

    QPR 0-1 Southampton

    Swansea 0-1 Sunderland

    Everton 1-2 Liverpool

    Burnley 0-0 West Brom

    Newcastle 1-1 Stoke

    West Ham 1-2 Man Utd

  4. It's annoying, I don't mind them (when they're being serious) and they have relatively decent Newcastle United related opinions.. And compared to most NUFC podcasts and fan opinions it's ok but any two posters off here would do better knowledge-wise. Decent enough listen just to hear Caulkin, so far.

  5. http://lockerdome.com/awaydays/6169461380096065/7388675726121492


    They went over to talk to the fans after the game some of the players. Canny brave to be fair. Anyone seen "You'll never walk alone" their tonight too?


    Think Dortmund are mint me, or at least German football is. It's exactly the way football should be from a supporting point of view.


    Felling Mag, another best friend and I are going to watch Hertha BSC vs Borussia Monchengladbach in May. It could be the game they need to win to stay up yet. Cannot wait to go in the Ostkurve...



    They did that when I was there last year, didn't know it was a regular thing. Hardly got any English from any of them and they burst out singing an entire song in english. Wish it wasn't a Liverpool song cause I was in chills when it happened, incredible atmosphere.

  6. Man Utd have signed 21 year old Bolton defender Andy Kellett on loan for the season. He's played 4 times for Bolton


    Just heard Neil lennon talking about it, the kid refused to believe him as he was expecting to travel to some League 1 side or something :lol:


    Wait why did this happen?

  7. That's a strange time to resign. Wonder is there was some falling out about the transfer window, sounded like the owner said he spent enough in the summer and it was up to the coaching staff to coach and motivate the team. Probably didn't go down well with Redknapp and he probably wanted another player or two.


    Must have been. They hardly spent anything this window for the first time ever. Media will make him the victim.

  8. Do the NBC replays (on the website) not work for anyone else? The video loads and everything but then stops every few seconds and never starts back up again. It can't be my internet. So frustrating trying to watch yesterdays match.

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