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Everything posted by BillClinton

  1. I surely hope so. There's a pretty strong contingent of Toon fans in the States, think they'd do well with a preseason tour here. Wasn't the last preseason over here a total disaster? I hope we think about what's best for the squad rather than following the money. If by disaster you mean we eventually finished 5th, then sure. I meant wasn't it very poorly planned with about 9 different flights in 2 weeks, some sketchy pitches, and Barton, Ranger, and Cabaye (?) not able to enter the country.
  2. I surely hope so. There's a pretty strong contingent of Toon fans in the States, think they'd do well with a preseason tour here. Wasn't the last preseason over here a total disaster? I hope we think about what's best for the squad rather than following the money.
  3. Can't complain, we finally have the English beat in one part of football. They can't even argue. Also
  4. http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Josefine+Oqvist+zlIYKY9u6sim.jpg Sweden can't be beat but seriously I think women's 'soccer' has some chance of succeeding. It certainly does have its popularity and Alex Morgan is probably more famous than any Men's player here.
  5. Yup, I'm surprised they even bothered having a 'Soccer' channel. Remember when they tried to get Sunday afternoon games going on the main FOX network, and most of the local FOX affiliates decided to run informercials instead. http://deadspin.com/5973398/snowmageddon-and-18-other-things-fox-affiliates-are-airing-instead-of-todays-historic-live-fa-cup-broadcast
  6. Not going to miss ESPN's shitty coverage at all. Game on at 7? Watch Outside the Lines instead. Yeah that was the worst. Couldn't afford to but the derby on TV but now we have Man U vs West Ham in the middle of the day.
  7. Going to miss having Warren Barton in the studio talking Newcastle, but this can only be good news.
  8. Griezmann has looked good the few times I've seen him, exactly the type of player we need right now too.
  9. BillClinton


    Yup, looks like a good player. Possible National Team player in a few years? I think he's got it in him. Very similar to Chicharito in playing style. Big-time poacher. Yeah he's killed the Revolution like that, always in the right place at the right time. Stuff you can't teach. Decent scoring record for a 20 year old too.
  10. I'm surprised we aren't all over that already. A perfect storm of the country with the most talent in the world (arguably) in a financial crisis, sounds like something Ashley would love.
  11. BillClinton


    Yup, looks like a good player. Possible National Team player in a few years?
  12. Yeah I didn't think it was that bad, however it should have been a goal kick instead of a corner right before.
  13. But I thought Arsenal was in a 'crisis' and doomed to a 5th place finish? Things change so quick in this league, can't wait for the next knee-jerk media reaction.
  14. BillClinton


    Crying here. Almost wish I knew some of these people, they seem like a different breed of red necks from over here. I hope we beat them. Is Rowan Atkinson really Geordie? Don't think I've ever heard him talk normally before.
  15. I am being a bit sarcastic, but he was decent enough tonight though. He is what he is, I think Cajun's post pretty much sums him up.
  16. I don't get him. I was expecting a complete disaster tonight followed by him getting run out of town. Yet he stepped up against one of the better clubs in the world. Fair play to him. It just makes no sense, how come he can't do this against the terrible teams in the Premier League when we need him?
  17. Good post. While it's frustrating that it happens, we see it in the Premier league every weekend. The time wasting and injury faking was annoying but we saw Stoke do it even worse earlier in the season. Something needs to be done about diving in the game, but it gets laughed off by the media anytime a 'good' player does it.
  18. BillClinton


    Oh this thread is actually in chat, thought I just smoked too much.. Hilarious. We play "Soccer" anyway.
  19. Hearing the local advertisement here for "Liverpool the worlds most historic SOCCER club" while trying to watch the Bruins game in peace. Are they even the most historic club? I suspect they aren't and its just the owners stirring BS like they do with their other team.. Who allowed two of the most arrogant and delusional clubs/fans in the world to team up? Terrible.
  20. They would have scored earlier if we played like we did in the last 20. Can't believe I'm going to say this, but Pards tactics worked very well. You're right. Its just frustrating when you see moments of what we could be, versus the 'style' we play normally. With a bit more execution and composure things may have been different.
  21. If we played with the same urgency we showed in those 15 min.. Oh well, its been fun. I just ask Benfica to please beat Chelsea. Please.
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