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Everything posted by iwantcurlyhairtoo

  1. Is it too soon to start picking teams? Im just so excited! I watched Papiss' goal yesterday and thought, 'if that was me... i would have missed the ball completely' http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01117/paul-robinson_1117607c.jpg
  2. Last time spectators were allowed in for free to the Milburn via one of the exit doors. Ahhhhh thats alright then. Any idea what exactly our standard is, because I dont know about you lot, but obviously I havent played with any of you before
  3. Now that the booking debacle is over and done with we can start looking forward to it! does anyone know whether people can buy tickets to watch? or would we just be playing in an SJP
  4. I second this notion. Does anyone know what the standard is like? or is it entirely luck of the draw
  5. This is months and months away and I'm already genuinely excited for this. p.s. shot gun not in goal!
  6. whoever ends up on my team... I would like to wear this strip http://epl.theoffside.com/files/2009/06/newcastle-yellow.jpg
  7. Are the strips and that supplied by the club, or are we meant to sort that out ourselves? Also, like I said previously, I am defininately available, just let me know who and when to pay it to B-)
  8. luckily my uni course finishes on the 8th. I'll be coming 'Home Newcastle' just in time. I am most definitely available
  9. I can't understand the lack of sympathy at all, it's baffling. Guy who obviously isn't the brightest, on a downer after a short and incredibly high peak, addicted to various substances that are completely controlling his life. If he doesn't have the strength or the ability to change, I still feel really sorry for him and he deserves as many chances as it takes IMO. I can't help but feel sorry for the bloke. I was talking about him today with a few lads from uni (An Arsenal fan, Spurs fan and a Man Utd fan) and none of them had a bad word to say about him. Two of them said they'd seen the video of him on stage the other night and it just upset them. He optimises the loveable rogue, thats why nobody can ever get truly angry at him
  10. He's only played two games, so lets not get too excited. Hopefully he can keep playing the way he is but we cant expect a performance like that every game
  11. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/newcastle-united/9816902/Newcastle-United-7m-target-Mapou-Yanga-Mbiwa-fails-to-appear-at-club-for-medical-as-fans-fears-increase.html I seriously hope this isn't true...
  12. I'm not gonna complain. If he wants to sign for us, fair dues. We definitely need to strengthen at CB so (touch wood) there's some truth in this and we can seal the deal. I'm more worried about how quiet it is on the striker front tbf
  13. He's probably offered Remy and his agent £1million each under the table. Classic Harry really. Yet he goes in a huff when he's called a 'wheeler dealer'
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