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Posts posted by shintonsghost

  1. Tbh I'm gonna try and stay out of this thread for a while I think. It's gonna sound like a broken record from me with him. Hopefully things will improve and he'll change my mind on him. I do like how he loves the club.



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    Stupid love, he's no team player in truth, the way he was jumping around like a huffy cunt showed his selfishness towards the team, and the club.

  2. Anyone think Leicester will ditch Ranieri and that will keep them up and drop the mackems?



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    I can't decide which I want more a bottom three of Mackems, Palace and Boro or Mackems, Palace and Leicester. Either would be awesome, as long as we go up of course.



    Id settle for us going up if it means none of the above happens. I like the championship actually, the PL is all about survival for the likes of us, its painful.

  3. Swansea and Hull looked nailed on to go down 3 weeks ago.only one other team who look nailed on are living up to that...hmmmmm


    Hull are playing well, look like they have fight.


    Leicester look shot to bits..


    Its quite possible that Sunlun,Lesta and Palarse could go. Fucking hell  :lol:

  4. The worst thing about the challenge was him feigning injury tbh, it made him look guilty as fuck and if I was the referee I'd have probably been swayed to card him because of it as he blatantly wasn't injured - therefore was trying to win sympathy. It was Steven Taylor-esque.


    The challenge itself was one that I couldn't complain if he was carded, but I don't think it was a certain yellow at all. I thought his first foul was though (the one before his actual yellow). He was watching their player and then went in with his arm.


    well the refs decision is the one that counts, he got away with it and he knew it.......its my opinion he meant it, i stand by it, he's a liability and a disgrace

  5. If anyone thinks the first yellow is justified, then their head should be put through a meat grinder.



    maybe, but the dirty f***ers deliberate stamp on the keepers heel should have been a straight red.........idiotic thing to do





    watch the sky's highlights, watch his eyes and his leg movement, he was in a whizz and stamped on his heel, hi foot goes deliberately on it.


    try and deny it if you want but he meant it............hence he stayed down and knew he was in trouble

  6. If anyone thinks the first yellow is justified, then their head should be put through a meat grinder.



    maybe, but the dirty fuckers deliberate stamp on the keepers heel should have been a straight red.........idiotic thing to do

  7. Norwich looking good of late, win this and we should be good for promotion, especially if we follow up with a win against Villa. Could be a really good period for  us (inc Bristol) and i think we're going to need it with Brighton, Hudds and Reading all away following it.


    So many teams in the promotion/play off race will help us out at some point so if we can hang on to 2nd after Reading we're up, hang on to top spot and we win the league imo.


    its focussing the players minds playing decent teams, remain unbeaten will see us up, i smell defeat at Brighton and maybe Reading however just to make us sweat. its what we do  :weep:

  8. I'm jittery because this is Newcastle United we are talking about, we don't tend to do things easily.



    ive took nothing for granted, watching these since 1976, however we are in prime position, we are the big fish in this league and teams are raising their game.


    its a lot harder than i thought, however we are top and effectively 7 points clear of third still , i'd have taken that as this could have gone tits up really.


    let's keep rolling, another hurdle approaches on Tuesday  O0 

  9. Sunderland's final 4 games of the season include playing Bournemouth, Swansea and Hull which will shake things up a bit


    teams they tend to fuck up against, Swansea and Hull are playing well , playing good football and both could survive.


    its all a bit hard to call, the mackems were decent for 20 mins without threatening loads yesterday, the fact that Palarse and Leicester can't buy a win is helping with them keeping the faith, and the players, yesterday was a massive blow to them.



    mind you they aren't bothered about us  :lol:





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