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Posts posted by shintonsghost

  1. Couldn't be a great deal further from Newcastle without leaving the country. [emoji38]


    Sure it's been covered on other pages but does he actually have to be in Newcastle to complete? Genuine question.



  2. Think that's it pretty much over now. If he's named in the 18 man matchday squad in 20 minutes that'll be the final nail in the coffin :lol:


    why? he doesnt need a medical, wont play , might just like a trip out.  :lol:

  3. I honestly don't think we're making a serious attempt to sign anyone.



    We will never know.


    However its not a disaster , we have enough injury free permitting.


    The good clubs build while on top though.

  4. caulkin saying ashley has no intention of spending this january. if rafa knew that all along, he woundnt have come across as so desperate/open in his need for adding to the squad. rafa getting played.



    This caulkin likes to know everything mind.


    Rafa must have been given the thumbs up on Townsend, these deals at this time arent easy so i say bullshit from so called ITK Caulkin.

  5. Just wondering though, why wouldn't Ashley back Rafa after he backed a useless manager like McClaren with big money? You can say Ashley will never change his policy but he already did when he gave that chump £80m to spend in one summer.



    Fair point that mind

  6. Fuck me ive just read they PAID  :lol:  £7.5million for those two yesterday  :lol:


    They actually got the bank card out.



    They are always injured, and shit.


    Imagine a club PAYING for those 2  :lol:

  7. Betrayed at what? He became a household name and achieved something that someone of his average ability had no right to achieve. They upgraded on him, won't sell to a rival club, boo f***ing hoo that's football. Maybe if he lowers his wages a fair bit then more clubs would pay the fee.


    apparently told by ranieri he would let him go for first team football if they got a bid of 4-5m.


    But not to a rival....relegation rival

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