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Posts posted by shintonsghost


    All he had to do was sign Townsend at least.


    Its not rocket science, we have now risked EVERYTHING, the manager, players and fans are all on edge.


    He has huge form for wanting to fuck it up, i quit once and came back because of Rafa, i'd be gone if he walks.


    Till then lets all give this a go, get behind the last push, get the job done then over to you Mikey boy.


    The thing is , IF, we go he will have to spend zillions to keep us there anyway so i wont give him credit for that, its keeping Rafa happy that will be his biggest test.


    The smell of something rotten is back, and all he had to do to was sign Townsend and all would be glorious.


    Only at NUFC

  2. Just looking at their fixtures..


    Home games: Southampton, Man City, Burnley, Man Utd, West Ham, Bournemouth, Swansea

    Away games: Palace, Everton, Boro, Watford, Leicester, Arsenal, Hull, Chelsea


    Burnley are the only one at home I could see them winning cause of their shit away form), maybe some draws in the others

    Away games weirdly look more promising for them if anything


    ..then you see their away form





    wow.............that looks grim  :lol:


    they will still do it.

  3. So can someone sum up what im getting here.


    Rafa didnt get his targets and now has the lip on because of it, we are rightly blaming the cronies for it and Rafa is close to walking because of it?


    Is that fact or just what we are thinking.

    Sorry i just have had time to go through all threads.


    Rafa wanted players, Charnley fucked it up.


    The squad needs freshening to creat strength in depth but no, we gamble, again.


    Well we are royally fucking this up.


    We wont go up, Benitez will go and Gouffran will still be at the club.


    Bang average side we have become.i thought we classy in the first half of the season but now.


    Let this sink in.....Daryl Murphy subbed for Sammy Ameobi, with Gouffran up front Darlow in goal .......that is us, throw in Perez and fucking hell we are a pile of shite.


    Its still no time to panic but i detect a lack of fight in the team, a lack of a leader, a lack of something.


    It needed freshening up, we fucked that up.


    I said at the start of this Ashley has never gone back fof someone he has sold, never.


    Enough said

    He has gone back for previous targets several times. In fact, that's one of the hall marks of the Ashley regime, to never give up on a target, a strategy that has landed us successes like McClaren and Thauvin.


    I've never even understood the point of highlighting how we've never re-signed a player under Ashley, like it's some sort of interesting stat. What percentage of transfers in professional football is a player going back to an old club? 0.00001%?


    Its just a fact.i can only point out a fact  :lol:


    I said at the start of this Ashley has never gone back fof someone he has sold, never.


    Enough said


    You also said that George Caulkin talks bullshit and isn't really ITK, despite him nearly always getting things right



    So fook. :lol:

  8. They're on 16 points, surely they would be usually cut much further adrift going into February


    Looking at the fixtures, the key here are Leicester and the Smoggies.if they hit form they are down.both mentioned clubs though have VERY tough games in Feb which imho keep Sunlun within touching distance of them, they must get something at Palace for belief if anything.


    For me its Leicester and Boro who will decide the cunts fate, that match with Boro for them will decide it for me.

  9. Swansea, Watford and Palace winning take the shine off their draw. Isn't it Palace away next too?



    This, tonight has been a fucking disaster for them in truth.


    Imagine wanting Big Sam to win

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