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Posts posted by shintonsghost

  1. Gutted.i know you fuckers will laugh but i lost my season ticket/card, couldnt get in (long long argument)


    So glad we won but fuck me what a piss on .


    Gutted tonight.pissed but top


    They normally would check your card details the ticket was set up on? Is that not how it works


    I was in that much of a wizz checking, home and the bus company, sniffing round toon it got to kick off and i couldnt be arsed to argue with the ticket office and ended up watching it in Nines, on the bus yem feeling gutted like a loss.weird.


    Never mind, had a lot to drink, thought we looked solid if not brilliant, job done, big 3 points

  2. They have a chunk of winnable games starting at Boro, the teams around them all have tough games inbetween , my point being they arent being cut off , then we just know the rabbits start coming out of the hats.


    Lose today and it becomes much tougher but unless some unusual results happen they will be in touch....just

  3. If they lose today things start to look really bad for them.


    Come on Fat Sam (there's a phrase i never thought I'd say).


    not really, looking at their "rivals" they all have tough games, today and next matches, they have the luck of the irish these cunts.


    however i think they need a point minimum today.  :D



    boro match will be the "one"

  4. It's the players who are required to get this result, not the fans.


    i agree but we can play a part, sadly at home we rarely do.me anarl, im guilty of sitting mute, i never used to be, i grew up in the corner, i went home and away every week, sang me heart out. i dont know how to behave at a match now  :embarrassed:

    You're probably too busy thinking about or checking how the Mackems are getting on.





    we need rid of some shite, we need PL experience and big investment to finish 17th alone.


    dream of nothing else IF we go up, even in one season we are so far behind its frightening, this current crop would get ripped apart week in week out.


    anyhoo, i hate talk of what we need, worry about that when it happens ffs

  6. If that nonce was around, he'd probably take them to the back of some Chinese takeaway  and tell them that's the best place to have fun in Sunlun.


    :lol: :lol:


    morning marra

  7. Good news. :thup: Will be interesting to see how Ashley responds - particularly in the summer.



    Dont be fooled........like the january window in the PL he had to sign players, had to.


    He has to spend money IF we go up, the test is building while you are on the up.



  8. I don't like his football or care much for his signings, but I do love the man and wouldn't swap him for any other manager other than Klopp probably.



    Gayle? Our top scorer? The leagues top marksman?

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