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Everything posted by FriendlyBadger

  1. Aye, the old adidas shield-backed shirt's getting it's first game in 17 years tomorrow
  2. Same. Really should know better by now Enjoy the game gentleman, hope has returned let's make the most of it. I've not looked forward to a new season this much in about 15 years. Nearly skipped my way into Craven Cottage last week
  3. Hull 0-3 Leicester Burnley 1-0 Swansea Crystal Palace 3-0 West Brom Everton 2-2 Spurs Middlesbrough 2-0 Stoke Southampton 4-0 Watford Man City 1-1 Sunderland Bournemouth 0-2 Man Utd Arsenal 1-2 Liverpool Chelsea 1-0 West Ham Newcastle 2-0 Huddersfield
  4. I'm absolutely buzzing for tomorrow, If the takeup's been anything like what it seems it'll look absolutely class
  5. Aye, it's early for rotation just yet. He'll be keen to get some points on the board first (I hope)
  6. I always thought Taylor looked like the son off Roseanne
  7. I reckon he's still completely baffled by the fact that Zizou hasn't called him up personally begging to sign. He's a high opinion of himself, has our Moussa
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