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Everything posted by 2Ameobis
My wife wanted to buy me Sage tickets as a little present but I didn't go to because to be honest, I was worried the the sadness from back then is not too far from the surface, still, after all these years. Mad isn't it. It may sound cheesy, but that man gave me the most incredible sense of being alive I have ever felt. The 'nearly' season was ridiculous and was at a dozen or so away games including that one at Anfield but the game that sticks with me the most is against Portsmouth when we were close to being relegated to the old Division 3 and David Kelly scored in the 87th minute or whenever it was. The most intense atmosphere I have ever been in. People around me worn out through the constant noise and singing from minute one. I close my eyes and I'm back in the corner Gallowgate, being chucked about. The most unbelievable ridiculous joy any man could ever feel and the most pure unity I have felt being a Newcastle fan, 26,000 odd who knew what it meant and loved the club, pre Sky, pre -premier league. I'm sure there are a few on here who are the same but the lads I still see now who went through the whole journey from the dark days don't talk about it. When he left the first time as a manager, a little bit of me died that day and I'm not sure I'll ever be over it. I know when you're young and daft you love your idols and it is crazy to think now that I am grown up so to speak but the biggest compliment I could pay him is if it was possible for a heterosexual man to love another man outside your partner or wife or children, then Kevin Keegan was it.
What an absolute cock end you sound like and what a ridiculous comment. Superfan? Is that a new one the Ashley Out lot have coined for people who still go? Seriously, are you 10? You can do better than that. So I know a few mackems. So what? I'm from Wallsend and there is one in my street who moved here to work on the yards. Wanting to change the club? He's been here 11 years man and not going anywhere soon. You should get yourself over to The Mag. You'll be well at home there. If we keep giving him money things can only get better. Top plan. He needs to go to matches so he can call all fans that boo cunts. He prefers to be patient. A 52 year old obsessed with calling fellow fans cunts. What a prick. At least you've got something right.. People who boo are cunts. Bell end.
Oh, that didn't take long did it. 'If you're not with us you're against us' Fucking hell. Life that simple for you is it?
What an absolute cock end you sound like and what a ridiculous comment. Superfan? Is that a new one the Ashley Out lot have coined for people who still go? Seriously, are you 10? You can do better than that. So I know a few mackems. So what? I'm from Wallsend and there is one in my street who moved here to work on the yards. Wanting to change the club? He's been here 11 years man and not going anywhere soon. You should get yourself over to The Mag. You'll be well at home there.
Jesus Christ in case you haven’t noticed, this isn’t a normal situation, the club has been hi-jacked by a parasite who is abusing it for his own personal (and spiteful) agenda and is relying on us to still go the games to prop up the pretence of us still resembling anything like a ‘football club’. It’s not about negativity, it’s aboit saving the club from destruction! Saving the club from destruction? Are you kidding me? Nee wonder the mackems I know laugh their cock off. What an absolute load of shite. My father in law is 76 and said to me if he didn't go because he wasn't keen on the owner or the transfer policy or the colour of the strip or that we sold Macdonald / Beardley / Gascoiogne (delete as applicable) then he would have went to about 3 seasons in 60 years. What would you say to him? Or my 18 year old who has know nothing other than Ashley? Sorry Son, you can't go? Bollocks.
Mine has literally just turned up an hour ago in the post and I make nee apologies to the negative clan but I'm 52 and looking forward to this season as much as any. Just as a heads up for those who are giving it up. The people who go don't give a flying f**k about those who don't. Not one jot. Promise me one thing as well. Don't talk about NUFC to anyone. ever. There's nowt worse than having a conversation at work on the Monday and it is hijacked by one of the Ashley Out brigade spouting on about how shite it is and how long they had a ticket and they are not ganin back until xyz etc etc until everyone's tits have literally fell off. Had one of these pile in after the brilliant Man U home win last season boring everyone to death. Honestly, f**k right off. I play football with a load of match going mackems and they are more positive than some of wor lot. Shameful.
2 forwards. Play a certain way. 2 nowt up. Cruising. 1 forward 3 central midfielders. Change the way we play. 2-2. Oversimplifying a bit? Maybe and against Man U? Understandable but against these lot? Shocking.
What's that Sartre quote? 'In football, everything is complicated by the presence of the opposition..' Carvalhal said in his post match interview he 'corrected' something in his team (I'm not sure what) but clearly it had an effect. So it's not just a case of us sitting back, sometimes the opposition has a say in that. A very obvious point I know but judging by some of the daft comments, opposing teams should just let us do what we want. They are bottom of the league and he was brought in to save them. That second half showed he is doing his job after a first half where they could have been a couple down at least.
Just got in from the match and I'm sorry like but Shelvey was garbage today. I think he has quality and I've said previously I think we could get more out of him as 'final third' player, whatever that might look like, but n a two man midfield like today, he is utterly pointless. One or two passes aside, he contributed nothing. Literally nothing. He has no energy or workrate either so when he can't effect the game on quality, he has nowt. At this stage of his career, the bloke should be head and shoulders above everyone on that pitch today, not having a poorer game than Diame. Says everything really.
I'm 51 and have followed this site for a few years even though I don't post that often, I would consider myself what some people may call 'old school'. Never boo the team, never leave early, patient, continue to go even when we are terrible etc etc. I appreciate times change and values associated with with being a fan are 'flexible' but I have never understood or ever will, grown men or women booing. If you do, then I'm sorry like but you are a c**t. Simple as. I have listened to the arguments and tried to get my head round it but for me booing belongs to 5 year olds with foam fingers at the wrestling or pantomime. That's it. Anyone who thinks this belongs in football is a grade A card carrying c**t of the highest order.
He's a 'final third' player for me and I'd like to see him given a chance as furthest forward of a midfield 3. He's too immobile and hasn't got enough stamina to play in a 2 but he's got quick feet, is relatively strong. obviously got a good pass and although he doesn't show it often, has a good shot on him. People are taking about KDB but he does 90% of his best work in the final third whereas Shelvey spends 90% of his time in our half or barely over the halfway line. In the role we play him, for someone who is supposedly so talented, he literally affects nothing in the game positively. How many shots does he have? Assists? Decent crosses? Through balls? Bursts into the box? It's barely nothing, nowt, zip, zilch. There's is also a tendency for the rest of the team to treat him like Baggio or Letissier and give him the ball when it's not the best option. It does my head in. Yes, I know it would depend on Rafa taking a completely different view on what Shelvey has to offer and if he was to play in that link role we would need to play into feet for starters, but keeping him there just in case one his 732 attempts at a Hollywood pass comes off is a massive waste and a shame.
Done by an average team with a set piece. The worst kind of defeat. Literally no positives whatsoever. Utter utter utter sh*te
Herons post brought a tear to my eye and just read this snippet of interview by Paco, "Mikel (Antia, coach) was on the touchline and Antonio (Gomez Perez, coach) was in the stands communicating with Rafa. Between the four of us we were making a plan of communication and it worked perfectly" Four coaches, dedicated to the same outcome, thinking as one. How on earth have we managed to get these people to be part of our club? We are very very lucky. Unbelievable stuff