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Posts posted by RS

  1. There’s a section of fans who would defend anything nufc full stop regardless of what was going on. The Ashley sympathisers will show their card. People who have never been to a game in a millennia will be making a moral stand saying they’ll never set foot in the stadium again because of Saudi human rights. Even Bruce will have his sympathy voters despite him shafting Sheffield Wednesday and being part of the Ashley problem.


    There’s nowt a queer as folk.


    I’m celebrating the potential end of the Ashley era. He took nufc away from me for a full decade. That can’t be forgiven. If the new owners invest in us massively that’s a dream come true. But to actually compete again, to get a buzz on a match day. That’s my true hope out of all of this. It’s been too fucking long man.

  2. I've had a lot of whatsapp messages saying why would the richest bloke in the world use Stavely to borrow money off Ashley to buy the club


    It’s to do with clearing the debt to make things cleaner/ less ‘tax-ier’. The solicitor lasses tweet previous explains it well 


    Edit: https://twitter.com/RedRoseMichelle/status/1250503811476619264?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1250503811476619264&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newcastle-online.org%2Fforum%2Findex.php%3Ftopic%3D104159.50

  3. Is mag in peace on here? Jesus.


    He’s the slimiest, most odious creep of a creep. I Imagine him looking like Angelos Epithemiou but without humour or other redeeming features.

  4. What do people on here actually want for Sunderland?


    As I get older my feelings towards them are more and more Sir Bobbyish and I'd honestly like to see them pull themselves together a bit- working class town, love their football and all that.

    Same as they want for us

  5. Here's a snippet of Henry Winter's column in the Times, titled 'Mike Ashley's exit will herald rebirth of Newcastle's soul'




    When Mike Ashley finally leaves, and the party starts, it will not take long for Newcastle United’s soul to be re-found, eventually restored. It is there in the Strawberry pub, in the tweets of Alan Shearer, in fans like Bill Corcoran manning the food bank by the Gallowgate, and in the pre-match gatherings over a Guinness upstairs in the Tyneside Irish Centre. It’s everywhere.


    Newcastle’s true spirit is there in the statue of the late, great Sir Bobby Robson at the corner where the Gallowgate and Milburn Stand embrace, in the memory of what Sir Bobby stood for: football from the heart that lifted the soul.


    Words man!

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