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Posts posted by RS

  1. I don’t think anyone has stuck up for them. More pointed out other bigger abusers of humanitarian rights who go almost unchallenged.

    The concentration camps in China are abhorrent, their execution rate is multiples of the Saudis and yet it’s swept under the carpet. Amnesty International and everyone else are using the alleged takeover as an easy way of making news and unfortunately it appears it’s us the fans that are the fall guys in all of this.


    I think everyone will admit there’s bigger fish to fry than the Saudis but they’re a harder target.

  2. Saudi Arabia is one of the UK’s most important trading partners. The UK exported £6 billion worth of goods and services to Saudi Arabia in 2018 (ONS, 2019). British companies present in the market include Shell, GlaxoSmithKline, BAE Systems, Rolls Royce and Unilever.


    What sanctions have the British government got in place against the Saudis currently? 

  3. Nobody ‘important’ wants this to happen. Not for morality. Not for ffp. It’s all about politics.

    Imagine the Saudis decide the City of Newcastle is their European base. Imagine even a slight power shift from the recognised business centres.

    Imagine the light shone not just on Newcastle but the North East an highlighting the decades of neglect by successive governments. The lack of infrastructure, the low mortality age, the disproportionate subsidy rates etc


    Money and class still run the country. Do you think fox hunting would have lasted so long if it had been a working class ‘sport’?  The BBC and the press are the PR for the old school tie connections. This potential investment will be worrying them.




    I agree with this unfortunately. The decline of heavy industry and rise of the service sector means we're all a bunch of ponces now. We'll still have the best atmosphere in the country but the energy of 1993 probably won't be there.

    Ah. Happy days. NCB donkey jackets, the clinging smog of a thousand benson and hedges. Piss cascading down the concrete steps. Sitting on the crush barriers. The only space on the terrace when someone lit a giant firework and you were the only one unaware. Happy days man.

  5. I won't be giving a penny to this potential regime. Just like Ashley. Football is hideous.

    The world is truly an awful place.


    I’m going to party like it’s 1999 when this is done. Can’t fucking wait to get “rowdy with the Saudis”

  6. For someone who no longer cared about Newcastle a couple of days ago and wished us all the best. You’ve ‘literally’ not stopped posting about this terrible new owner since. I find that unusual. kisearch[/member]

  7. Honestly piss off with this well lets look at what other countries are doing.  They are not buying NUFC.


    So that’s all that matters in the world then?  Shallow as fuck


    You calling me shallow as fuck?  That's pot calling kettle.  :lol: :lol: :lol:


    This is an NUFC section in a forum, why would people be discussing those.  You must be a complete moron if you think people should be discussing those in an football section.



    but murdering thousands is ok as long as they don’t buy Newcastle isn’t shallow?

  8. Some people will be happy. Some won’t. I’m happy. Far more ‘respectable’ countries are doing far more despicable things and no one gives a shit.

    Why don’t people start with something like the Muslim torture camps in China or the Crisis in Venezuela and how this is being ignored by the western world?  Because it’s easier to talk about the ‘horrors’ Newcastle fans will be accepting.

    People faking giving a shit about the Saudis and not any other human rights issues are shallow as fuck.

  9. All these negative precious types are grabbing the wrong end of the stick. This is the Saudi equivalent of an olive branch.


    Muslims, Jews and Christians working and celebrating shoulder to shoulder. This is the first tentative steps to world peace and Newcastle United are at the heart of it.


    Anyone opposing this on moral grounds are preventing the breakdown of barriers and are the modern day equivalent of Hitlers SS.

    (Pan pipe version of McCartneys pipes of peace playing quietly in the background)


    Someone doesn't know the rules of internet arguments.


    You lose.

    I win. I’m on the peace, love and successful NUFC train.  Jump onboard. It’s unstoppable.

  10. All these negative precious types are grabbing the wrong end of the stick. This is the Saudi equivalent of an olive branch.


    Muslims, Jews and Christians working and celebrating shoulder to shoulder. This is the first tentative steps to world peace and Newcastle United are at the heart of it.


    Anyone opposing this on moral grounds are preventing the breakdown of barriers and are the modern day equivalent of Hitlers SS.

    (Pan pipe version of McCartneys pipes of peace playing quietly in the background)

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