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Posts posted by RS

  1. Tried his own tactics. Couldn’t win a game. Went with Rafa tactics, up for manager of the month. Still blamed Rafa because the players were effective with Rafa tactics.  But Bruce is better than Rafa like ‘cos he’s got us in the top 15.

  2. I hope Ashley is starting to realise it’s the beginning of the end. Everything he touches is going shit-shaped and the empty stands will be another reminder of the poison his brand evokes.

    Imagine the legacy his brand is leaving his family. Millions or not, he’s forever associated with everything wrong with 21st century business. I mean even MP’s despise him!

  3. It amazes me that whenever Ashley puts a yes may in and buys his own players he gets his club relegated. Bizarrely it appears he and 40,000 of his supporters forgot this though.

    Can’t wait for his club to fall off the face of the earth.

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