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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Experience of what? Guiding clubs into the division below the one they play in??
  2. The passing and movement on kenedys 2nd goal is millions miles away from where we are now
  3. Lazarus

    Emil Krafth

    That list is complete bollocks. I thought kraft mightve grown into the league and matured as some players do but he is awful. Difficult to even blame it on Brucies coaching.
  4. We'll either implode spectacularly and lose 4-0 or its a 1-1 draw.
  5. Mendieta didnt win the champions league. Ever.
  6. He’s being reasonable for him, and hard to argue against that. If ashley had lost the chairman being replaced AND the 'in public' ruling, then an argument coul dbe made that its been lost. But even then, all this does is set the stage, the actors still have to play their parts. Instead, ashley can have it in public which I'm betting, the PL absolutely did not want to happen. Another worry may be if Ashley is called to give a statement, hes not exactly credible.
  7. The only real negative is who Ashley is up against. Beloff, Neuberger and Dyson are proper heavyweights.
  8. Irwin was the ultimate Mr Consistent. Never had a bad game, never had an exceptional game, hardly ever injured.
  9. That judgement is good news.... i think and will be exactly what the bread baker wanted. The panel will have to be seen to be fair without the meerest hint of bias, as mentioned earlier. Also, the being made public thing is good because if the PL say they did A, B and C, and someone (ashley, bishop, MBS, random leak or published stuff already on the web) says they that they did B, C and D it will give demarco ammo to use and will call into question the fairness on the panel and its chairman. Being made public will hopefully force the PL to stick to the already established version and timeline of events. Its possible that demarco may already have the ammo ready but is waiting for the PL to slip up. The bias angle here is potentially HUGE and if proven, perhaps even strongly hinted at, it could force the PL's hand.
  10. If the mole really is undermining him then whys he got more important stuff to do? Complete and utter lack of leadership and accountability.
  11. What sort of manager, in fact what sort of club, leaves this to fester until Friday. This is piss-poor leadership from Bruce and from those above him.
  12. No way can he continue after that
  13. Wasnt it rumoured that Pardew got a cut of any outgoing transfers? Havnt heard that about Bruce
  14. Lazarus


    If we go down he will be our number one striker.
  15. Its been said before that the outfield players have all regressed. The only players who have actually improved or are playing at a similar level are not coached by Bruce, ie, the keepers.
  16. Doesnt staveley still have that deposit/charge wotsit from MASH? If the takeover was a dead duck then this would have been returned shirley?
  17. Lazarus


    Do we know what his best position is yet? Apart from the bench, orbit, etc etc
  18. :lol: :lol: Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror? Moron. All the time mate. If I’m a bullshitter then who better to know to call you out. You are an attention seeker mate. You go into threads and make out you are an expert on every subject, get people trying to discuss things with you and you have a condescending attitude. You antagonise people people in a less direct way and theirs certain people who you aim your attentions on here towards in an attempt to bully them. Your bullshit tonight is a new angle for your attention seeking needs and rather more direct than how you usually do it. For the record, you came up on my suggested friends on Facebook for the very first time tonight. I’ve never seen a guy in his late 20’s/early 30’s look so much like a a middle aged predator before, best change it. That holding the camera directly in line with your face and that 80’s porn tash does nowt mate. :thumb: f***ing hell. Think it might be time to log out and chill out for a bit Stif, mate. Genuinely. Bad craic, that. Those comments would be fine in the 'little shop of horrors' thread
  19. Surely Joyce had a deputy or assistant who couldve stepped in? How many staff are there in the youth setup?
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