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Everything posted by Thumbheed

  1. If this was done in January then why has it only made it out now? Apologies if that's been answered already. My other question is did this make its way to the PA via one of the sides and if so, which side and why?
  2. The ESL story is exactly the sort of thing the Trust should be speaking up on, perfect opportunity to reiterate their message of the disconnect between club owners and the fans.
  3. What an odd comment. Moving on then, still interested to hear what I'm missing.
  4. Of course. In fact it's been followed up with a post saying one of the written rules is pointless as the unwritten rule was not 'passed' so to speak.
  5. Unless I'm missing something really obvious, then yes, surely it must be as important if not more important than any other of the rules that are written down. It also leads us into a bizarre situation where the 2 parties need to agree on who gets tested before the test can progress to the stage where the PL can disqualify said party for not disclosing someone(or something in this case) who should have been tested. That just makes no sense to me.
  6. Where's the provision that states that the PL need to agree on who to test before the test can begin? Surely that must be written down somewhere?
  7. So has disclosure been given for the arbitration case? Cynical me says this is just a stab in the dark article. Optimistic me says this is the club signalling the strength of their hand with disclosure now in hand.
  8. We're basically the Aldi version of this, minus any expenditure.
  9. Pop him on ignore, like. The biggest irony is that the ones that are wound up by him are the only ones quoting him. I just fancy a thread on the takeover where we discuss the takeover. Seems simple enough.
  10. If the PL were sure of their position and wanted to reject the takeover on the basis that PIF and KSA were one and the same, then why didn't they do just that? I dont understand where the PL's supposed confidence comes from if they were in such a strong position to reject the takeover in the first place.
  11. I don't even know if the point is relevant to the arbritation case, but I just don't understand how it can be argued that the PL needed to agree with who should be tested before the test can progress to the stage where they can disqualify said party for not disclosing a Director as per Jacob's point? Any ideas?
  12. Can someone clarify Jacob's point about why rule F.1.1.1 is not applicable? From what I gather, he's saying the test never got to that stage because the 2 sides couldn't agree on who/what should be tested. Is that right?
  13. I'll give a proper response to this post a wide berth if that's Ok, Fanny? But perhaps you should let Mike know the takeovers off as he seems to think otherwise.
  14. Mad seeing the same people who've shamelessly transitioned from "the takeovers off" to "the takeover won't go through" still have the balls to try and call out someone else's judgement/opinions.
  15. I was certain this would be it; last year of his contract, potential takeover, universally hated by the fans with some of the media starting to call him out, but that end of season finish has me thinking the bean bag faced cunt thinks he's earned that 12th place finish on merit.
  16. Then put this in the context of: - ESL -Project Big picture and the PL's alleged approval of it. -Spurs seemingly engaging PIF themselves for investment in the club - the fact the ODT is confidential and supposedly completely free from outside influence. Then you probably have quite an array of issues which the PL have to address.
  17. I agree, I think they probably are allowed to raise their concerns to the PL, but the question is whether they're allowed to raise their concerns via the clubs. If only a select number of clubs received those letters (as is being suggested) and those clubs were the big 6 (as in being implied) and they acted on it, then it'd be further proof of a clear of obvious cartel we can all acknowledge is present. This would contravene competition law. Re: the supermarket analogy, again, the reasoning is irrelevant in the context of a multimillion pound transaction for the purchase of a business. They categorically would not be allowed to lobby the other supermarkets to raise concerns on behalf of Coca Cola, irrespective of whether they're selling the real stuff or not. It's It's the action of attempting to get others to essentially lobby on Cokes behalf that is the issue, not the fact that the new owners of Asda sell Rola Cola themselves. Edit: *same
  18. My understanding is they don't have to stipulate the takeover be blocked for it to be a breach of competition law. The question is whether the clubs are legally allowed to ask that PL 'thouroughly investigate' as per competition law. It'd be like Coca Cola writing to the Aldi, Sainsbury's, Waitrose and Lidl asking them to convey their disapproval to the CMA of an Asda takeover (to James point, the reason why doesn't materially matter), they legally wouldn't be allowed to do that.
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