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Everything posted by Thumbheed

  1. That’s wrong. They’re rich footballers due to the fact that they worked harder than anyone else. That’s one of the thickest things I’ve read on here, or the internet for that matter. All they have to do is keep themselves in shape, practice to keep their skills up and put in a shift once or sometimes twice a week. They have their meals given to them. Have people sort out all their financial stuff and are basically finished work by early afternoon most days so they can spend the rest of their evening playing PlayStation. If you’re on the wind up, well played. If not, you are an absolute cretin. This is incredible. Heard it here first, dont have to work hard to be a top footballer. I assume you feel that way about all sportstars. I assume you didnt have to work hard to master the industry you're in. My guess if that you haven't mastered anything, not even reality.
  2. That’s wrong. They’re rich footballers due to the fact that they worked harder than anyone else. Fucking hell!!! footballers never really had to work hard for anything. What a thing to say! Absolutely clueless.
  3. Thumbheed


    To be honest, I've got no issue with the strategy of buying young exciting players. Our execution is just plain unadulterated shit, though, plus unlike other clubs who operate this way, we're doing it solely for the cash and not the sporting endeavour.
  4. Thumbheed


    Some c***s don’t get NET spend, I wish they would ffs. Wait for Gorrila hands write up on this.
  5. Thumbheed


    Has a 2015/16 feel with another puppet as manager. I'd say it's an almost identical situation. I'm struggling to see many differences. I think we'll stay up, though, and that's based on absolutely nothing.
  6. Thumbheed


    Cannot wait for the "they've broke their transfer record twice in a year, what more do fans want?" narrative.
  7. Thumbheed


    Let's hope everyone else see it's that way. Except for Seymour, of course.
  8. Thumbheed


    I think it's 16 days till the window ends actually. Yeh you're right. Just checked. Even better.
  9. Thumbheed


    When you say "this summer", do you mean the next 18 days?
  10. I think you've got to ask yourself why does Ashley want to keep the club? Once you have the answer to that you need to do whatever you can to undermine that. Give him no reason to want the club anymore. In it to make money? Dont give him any money. In it to market SD? Dont give him the brand image he wants, which is a nice full stadium. By continuing to go, you're fully complicit. That's the crux of it.
  11. Painting the ground as we speak actually ? Still s**** , You'll never know man, nee f***er goes to games on here A lot of us used to but most have seen the light. Took me longer than most but no more money for Mike Ashley's companies work team. It's the only way. Aye. Carry on going though Seymour. Get yourself an SD flag while your at it, that way his tatty business can get an extra layer of exposure along with a full stadium. Sorry for going to watch the football club I support I'll be supporting the 11 players on the pitch and the manager in the dugout, like I've always done. Good ownership or bad ownership won't change that. I'll not be supporting SD or Mike Ashley and I refuse to believe that just because you're supporting the team that means you're supporting the ownership. Believe what you like, doesn't change the facts. You're his only guaranteed revenue stream and the reason he's still here. I'm the reason he's still here aye If I genuinely thought that cancelling my season ticket would get rid off Ashley then I would So are you saying that if everyone cancelled their season tickets he'd still be here? Thats what I'm saying yes. Mike Ashley sells the club when HE wants not when you do. What if Mike Ashley is here for another 10 years? Am I f*** going 10 years without going to a game, just because we've had a s**** owner We won't know if we don't try. If we do everything we can to agitate a change and he's still here, then yes, I will agree with you. Carry on as you were, no more arguments from me, you would be right but until that point, you are complicit.
  12. If the club was in the Championship for a couple of seasons (likelier with no home crowd) and the ground was empty the club would be losing money hand over fist. He's a hell of a lot more likely to sell in that case than the alternative scenario (free unconditional money). Had to put his own money on both seasons we were down, no? How long would he want to keep that up? Club doesn't serve his purpose in the Championship.
  13. Painting the ground as we speak actually ? Still s**** , You'll never know man, nee f***er goes to games on here A lot of us used to but most have seen the light. Took me longer than most but no more money for Mike Ashley's companies work team. It's the only way. Aye. Carry on going though Seymour. Get yourself an SD flag while your at it, that way his tatty business can get an extra layer of exposure along with a full stadium. Sorry for going to watch the football club I support I'll be supporting the 11 players on the pitch and the manager in the dugout, like I've always done. Good ownership or bad ownership won't change that. I'll not be supporting SD or Mike Ashley and I refuse to believe that just because you're supporting the team that means you're supporting the ownership. Believe what you like, doesn't change the facts. You're his only guaranteed revenue stream and the reason he's still here. I'm the reason he's still here aye If I genuinely thought that cancelling my season ticket would get rid off Ashley then I would So are you saying that if everyone cancelled their season tickets he'd still be here?
  14. These are the kind of stories that NUST and other support groups should be latching on to. We should be feeding this.
  15. Painting the ground as we speak actually ? Still s**** , You'll never know man, nee f***er goes to games on here A lot of us used to but most have seen the light. Took me longer than most but no more money for Mike Ashley's companies work team. It's the only way. Aye. Carry on going though Seymour. Get yourself an SD flag while your at it, that way his tatty business can get an extra layer of exposure along with a full stadium. Sorry for going to watch the football club I support I'll be supporting the 11 players on the pitch and the manager in the dugout, like I've always done. Good ownership or bad ownership won't change that. I'll not be supporting SD or Mike Ashley and I refuse to believe that just because you're supporting the team that means you're supporting the ownership. Which is what Ashley wants isn't it? Blind faith. If fans keep going in the masses then there's no need for him to change anything. If you do what you always did, you get what you always got.
  16. Painting the ground as we speak actually ? Still s**** , You'll never know man, nee f***er goes to games on here A lot of us used to but most have seen the light. Took me longer than most but no more money for Mike Ashley's companies work team. It's the only way. Aye. Carry on going though Seymour. Get yourself an SD flag while your at it, that way his tatty business can get an extra layer of exposure along with a full stadium.
  17. Lejeune and Shcar's ability to play out the back have made Shelvey redundant.
  18. Bet Seymour loves Adam Sandler movies.
  19. Thumbheed


    Could've said the same about players like Gini. If a player has the right reputation and shows something you'll get money for him even if you go down. I think my point was more the case that Gini would have been worth more had we stayed up, and worth even more had we actually achieved anything of note, relatively speaking. Also, to double down on that point, £14m wasn't a significant outlay in that market, whereas £36m actually is in this one, especially so for us.
  20. Go after them all. It's a total waste of time and effort. Cut the head off the snake.
  21. Thumbheed


    This is what's going through my mind as well. It makes absolutely no sense on any level so feels like there's an alternative agenda behind this.
  22. Are the PardewOut guys a part of any of these groups? They had a slick operation going on, could do with a few tips from them. This just feels so clumsy and doesn't really say anything poignant. Also, not a big fan of this protesting outside the local SD, I just don't think it has any meaningful impact so renders itself ultimately pointless. They really should have concentrated more on unifying the fans before acting. At this point it feels like these groups are serving their own purposes rather than the club's (as an institution). There could still be +40k fans who make all these actions moot. With SD going through the ringers at the moment, we have a golden opportunity to hurt his real interest. That should be the target.
  23. Thumbheed


    Ashley isn't gonna get as much money for him when the teams not a success so I can't figure this transfer out at all.
  24. Yeh, the low wage offer to Bruce still gives me hope.
  25. Thumbheed

    Graham Carr

    This sums up the entire situation. It's all well and good listing names of players who we could have had, but the reality is that these players would be half the players they are now with the management and coaching they'd have received with us at the time. The second issue is that even if we do uncover a gem and sell for big money, the money isn't reinvested so the whole thing becomes moot. Our only joy is to have an opportunity to see the odd decent player. There is absolutely zero chance that we become a Dortmund or RB Leipzig or even Spurs, which is what I believe those who are open to this idea are hoping for. The underlying issues at the club are still the exact same, it's just been repackaged/rebranded. The saddest thing is that is that a large number of fans will buy this and some of the comments in this thread are testament to that.
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