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Everything posted by Thumbheed

  1. The positive in this is that the compensation will be low when he needs sacking. The negative is he'll never get sacked by Ashley.
  2. What he implying with the "Owners (plural)" bit? Absolutely nothing. A misphrase. Everything doesn’t have to mean something. These aren’t the greatest minds at work here. Melhut Kebab seems especially odd. He clearly highlights it as being "strange"; so what is he implying? Great minds or not, I'm curious as to what his angle is.
  3. What he implying with the "Owners (plural)" bit?
  4. Lee Ryder has been saying there has been no bid on the table since the takeover story broke. I just don't understand that since the statements that there were was no progress made in the takeover. That's not to suggest Ashley hasn't moved the goalposts, but I doubt the Bin Zayed Group were just sitting on their hands for weeks since their statements and were just wasting time. Says a lot about the state of the clubs communication with the fans when would be owners like the Bin Zayed Group are being relied on to provide clarity on the situation. What does a bid actually look like? Doesn't a Head of Terms agreement coupled with proof of funds constitute a bid? I know nothing about how these sort of business deals work, but from what others have said I thought a Head of Terms agreement was just a deal agreed in principle, but the buying party could revise an official bid after further due diligence. I'm not sure proof of funds means a lot in terms of a bid other than the selling party being willing to talk seriously to the buying party. I could have that completely wrong so anyone can feel free to pick holes in what I just said. Me either to be honest. I just thought an agreement of price and proof of your ability to back that agreement would efficiently constitute a bid. I'm still unclear as what a bid would look like though. From what little I've read, I thought the final part of a takeover would be the Sales Purchase Agreement which could also be classed as a bid, in which case, yes, Lee, no one has "bid" for us. Any ideas?
  5. Lee Ryder has been saying there has been no bid on the table since the takeover story broke. I just don't understand that since the statements that there were was no progress made in the takeover. That's not to suggest Ashley hasn't moved the goalposts, but I doubt the Bin Zayed Group were just sitting on their hands for weeks since their statements and were just wasting time. Says a lot about the state of the clubs communication with the fans when would be owners like the Bin Zayed Group are being relied on to provide clarity on the situation. What does a bid actually look like? Doesn't a Head of Terms agreement coupled with proof of funds constitute a bid?
  6. Is it really that unexpected? It has been widely reported that Pérez had itchy feet and we all know Ashley’s love for making a few Bob regardless of the consequences. Wasn’t one of the main sticking points for Rafa that he wasn’t given enough control over transfers? If that’s the case then this is exactly what was expected: f*** whichever desperate dupe they appoint, he’ll be given what to work with and told to get on with it (see “Pardue). As for the takeover, not sure anyone would sit back and see the value of the club diminish after already having agreed a price. He’s just getting on with things isn’t he...I’d be amazed if a deal goes through now. This just looks like every other close season / transfer window now, only worse I know it's easy to say "but it's Ashley, it doesn't have to make sense" but to leave your squad with 1 actual striker (Joselu is not a striker) is beyond crazy, it just makes no sense on any level. My guess is he's looking to buy big in the hope it appeases us on some level - those Joelinton rumours make more sense with this sale. It does, in the sense the morons think we could swap out one with the other. The chances of Joelinton or any one else actually being interested in coming here now is the problem. Let's say there are players still wanting to come here, whixh of course there are. They're only likely to be not good enough or in it for the money leeches we have seen before. You think Ashley thinks we can survive the Prem with inferior strikers? I think Ashley's reluctance to ever spend anything significant on a striker proves he knows full well the value of a striker. This is shaping up to be no different than what we’ve been used to for most of Ashley’s tenure. Get what you can while you can and gamble on replacing with cheaper, (more potentially profitable) replacements then spin the wheel and see if we can stay up. He’s a gambler, that’s his thing. Unfortunately for us, he’s also a vindictive man child who surrounds himself with the kind of sycophants that don’t seem to have either the intelligence or the bottle to take him to task. . Another loan and another purchase for anything less than £20m and he's taken 1 step back and 10 steps forward in his eyes. Fuck.
  7. Aye BZG are gonna be delighted to pay £350m for the club minus a couple of its biggest assets Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't the accounting value of these players be totally different to the paper value? I would have thought the accounting value dictates the price of the club as opposed to the paper value of the players. I'm seriously clutching here, but wouldn't cash in the bank be more appealing to potential buyers? You are right that the accounting value will be different (in this case Perez would be worth nothing in the books) but the market value of the players would have a bearing on any takeover value. What has happened on an accounting basis with this sale is that the net asset value of the club (accounting basis) has gone up by £30m So in the balance of things, would that make the club more or less appealing for a buyer?
  8. Aye BZG are gonna be delighted to pay £350m for the club minus a couple of its biggest assets Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't the accounting value of these players be totally different to the paper value? I would have thought the accounting value dictates the price of the club as opposed to the paper value of the players. I'm seriously clutching here, but wouldn't cash in the bank be more appealing to potential buyers?
  9. Is it really that unexpected? It has been widely reported that Pérez had itchy feet and we all know Ashley’s love for making a few Bob regardless of the consequences. Wasn’t one of the main sticking points for Rafa that he wasn’t given enough control over transfers? If that’s the case then this is exactly what was expected: f*** whichever desperate dupe they appoint, he’ll be given what to work with and told to get on with it (see “Pardue). As for the takeover, not sure anyone would sit back and see the value of the club diminish after already having agreed a price. He’s just getting on with things isn’t he...I’d be amazed if a deal goes through now. This just looks like every other close season / transfer window now, only worse I know it's easy to say "but it's Ashley, it doesn't have to make sense" but to leave your squad with 1 actual striker (Joselu is not a striker) is beyond crazy, it just makes no sense on any level. My guess is he's looking to buy big in the hope it appeases us on some level - those Joelinton rumours make more sense with this sale. It does, in the sense the morons think we could swap out one with the other. The chances of Joelinton or any one else actually being interested in coming here now is the problem. Let's say there are players still wanting to come here, whixh of course there are. They're only likely to be not good enough or in it for the money leeches we have seen before. You think Ashley thinks we can survive the Prem with inferior strikers? I think Ashley's reluctance to ever spend anything significant on a striker proves he knows full well the value of a striker.
  10. How does he directly benefit from a firesale if he's selling the club?
  11. Is it really that unexpected? It has been widely reported that Pérez had itchy feet and we all know Ashley’s love for making a few Bob regardless of the consequences. Wasn’t one of the main sticking points for Rafa that he wasn’t given enough control over transfers? If that’s the case then this is exactly what was expected: f*** whichever desperate dupe they appoint, he’ll be given what to work with and told to get on with it (see “Pardue). As for the takeover, not sure anyone would sit back and see the value of the club diminish after already having agreed a price. He’s just getting on with things isn’t he...I’d be amazed if a deal goes through now. This just looks like every other close season / transfer window now, only worse I know it's easy to say "but it's Ashley, it doesn't have to make sense" but to leave your squad with 1 actual striker (Joselu is not a striker) is beyond crazy, it just makes no sense on any level. My guess is he's looking to buy big in the hope it appeases us on some level - those Joelinton rumours make more sense with this sale.
  12. Didn't go to Leicester though did it? Would you go to Leicester in a helicopter? Fucking hell
  13. We won’t be worth 250 mil in the championship Why not? Bet we are. The revenue drops significantly in the Championship.
  14. That is unusually low. Suppose this is asset stripping, does anyone know how exactly Ashley would benefit directly from this? I'm struggling to make the pieces fit here for a positive outcome.
  15. January is the real test. Of course all potential bad news is nailed on and nothing positive will happen, ever. Yeh, I appreciate all his is premature but I'm struggling to remember anything positive the past few years so I'll stick with precedent and just keep my fingers crossed for a takeover. Even if he doesn't go, we're still fucked without a takeover.
  16. No Ayoze, no Rondon, no Joselu. Am I losing my mind here? What the fuck is going on??! No pressure, Muto.
  17. Right so how are u spreading this message to people that don’t visit the forum Well this is the salient point. The very first thing these groups should be doing is getting on these message boards and spreading their message in a respectful and diligent manner. They should be uniting the fans first before they act. All I've seen so far is "We're doing this, who's with us?". It's a terrible way of uniting fans. Surely it can't be that hard to get the local media/bloggers to spread the same message? There's a huge amount of apathy built into the culture of this club after the past 12 years, we need more than what is being offered to stifle that lethargy.
  18. 2.5 years I think I read. I'd be massively surprised if there wasn't a clause or 2 in that.
  19. Rafa went from managing the biggest club in the world to fighting relegation with Newcastle fucking United then staying to get us promoted. Let's not pretend we have any idea what his motivations are or should be. The man has never deceived the fans in all his time here, so when he say he wanted to stay - he wanted to fucking stay. His motivations for a potential move to China are totally irrelevant - the club had every opportunity to keep him and they failed. There is absolutely no tangible evidence to suggest Rafa was asking for anything that even we as fans weren't asking for. My respect for the man has gone up 10 fold, he didn't compromise on his beliefs like the majority of the fans do. If you're more honorable and principled than Rafa then do us all a favour and boycott every aspect of Newcastle United - message boards included.
  20. He'd have to spend a huge amount money to get the same profile he has with Newcastle - theres no club that serves his purpose better than us.
  21. I think it matters this time. With a potential takeover in the making we're at arguably the most critical point in our recent history. There's just too much at stake to even risk any apathy being sniffed out by the scavengers who run our club. They're MO is exploitation of the masses. That's essentially been proven in a court of law. This is the time to act.
  22. Dreaming of finally grabbing the attention of the world with a boycott then being able to highlight Sport Direct's shady practices on a worldwide stage. He couldn't fight that, he's no way near established enough.
  23. For the record, the bit about the protests and flags is not a dig, I think the're fantastic efforts but my point is that stuff like that is only effective if meanigful media gets behind it, which it doesn't. I don't want to slight anyone who's involved with that stuff. Except for the coffin watchers, they can carry on going to the games for all I care.
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