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Joey Linton

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Posts posted by Joey Linton

  1. 1 minute ago, Abacus said:

    There are dozens of reasons why you might change your financial year end, some may be takeover related but many / most will not be.


    The suggestion by that twitter guy that it may be an attempt to inflate your results for the benefit of a buyer (whether a new or an existing one) doesn't really make any sense though.


    The idea that you can make yourself seem better off by adding an extra months worth of revenue would be seen through by any half capable accountant which any serious or even prospective buyer would employ a team of.


    So, I think that particular line of argument makes no sense as to the status of any takeover, yes or no, and isn't worth arguing about. 



    Thanks. I was going to say surely shifting a month from next year into this year wouldn't affect a price? Especially when that information is now a year old anyway? 

  2. 1 minute ago, The Prophet said:

    Belgium and France both look like they're capable of taking it up a gear too. I'm not sure I've seen anyone else who has.

    Germany have already shown they can. Not sure they can again but i guess we'll soon find out. [emoji38]

  3. 7 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:

    Jota has been absolutely crap this tournament - he has been since he returned from injury for Liverpool too tbf.

    A lot of that is down to Ronaldo. Don’t think he's suited to the donkey work / supporting role like Benzema had to be at Real Madrid. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, Manxst said:

    Shush (again) Joey. The story which you’re alluding to is that of a Princess running AWAY from her family. But don’t let that stop you twisting it to suit your narrative. 

    She's been held prisoner since she was captured and prevented from seeing any of her family who she wants to see since then. 


    In any event, it was an attempt at a pretty rubbish joke, no attempt at twisting into a narrative. 

  5. 23 minutes ago, Dokko said:

    He’s an absolute knobhead if he goes to Everton. Michael Owen levels of loyalty and self awareness.


    Hopefully our fan base can move on from him now. 

    Nah, loyalty doesn't come into it. He's an unemployed Spanish football manager going to another english club. 


    I do think he'd be daft to take it though as they would be to appoint him given the reaction to it. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Fantail Breeze said:


    Here in lies the problem gdm. People don’t want it to be recognised when a bullshit rumour/fake itk turns out to be bollocks.


    It’s okay to discuss them for days, but when they’re proven wrong, apparently you need to pretend it never happened.


    If you do try and point out it was wrong, the same folk come bundling in crying about it and claiming you’re the problem :lol: 


    This forum cannot deal with non-positive news, in either thread. It’s completely and utterly weird. Unless you want to fall in line and not challenge/discuss anything, you’re not welcome to post about the takeover.


    They have their own thread for their weird conspiracy theories, but still come in here to whinge and moan on a daily basis whenever they see a post they don’t like.


    Then all of a sudden it’s my fault, or Joey’s fault, or someone else’s fault… because they can’t help but react for no reason whatsoever.

    This is a really good summary of the problem on here at the moment. It's nobody's fault it isn't happening other than the buyers for walking away or the premier league for "blocking it" whichever you choose to believe. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Sima said:

    Turns out their new owner has been using the furlough scheme to fund his players wages this pre-season.


    I seem to remember them being up in arms when billionaire Richard Branson did the same.  Difference is, football is now happening.

    Just read that. Good to see their forum finance expert defending their owners as always.

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