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Joey Linton

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Posts posted by Joey Linton

  1. 19 minutes ago, Manxst said:

    Maybe you should’ve just answered that you didn’t know in the first place, instead of jumping in with your ‘NO’ answer. 

    Would it appear (at the moment) that I was correct or incorrect? The question was asked because the person asking it wanted an answer - not a "nobody knows" cop out. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Rocker said:



    These are the kind of things people get sick of.


    Nobody on here believes that shit. You don't have to come and gloat that it didn't happen, when nobody on here thought it would anyway.


    You're constantly antagonistic and on the wind up. Relax.

    When i said it was nonsense yesterday people instantly disagreed and said there was no way of knowing it was untrue? Hopefully one of them will reply.

  3. 8 hours ago, Yorkie said:

    I can't imagine how horrifying it must be for your family life to be potentially destroyed and documented in/orchestrated by a gutter press release. I'd feel huge sympathy for almost anyone in that scenario. 


    Almost anyone. 



    Amazes me that high profile people would even consider getting involved with something like that, it's only ever going to end up in the papers. Can only be an arrogance that you believe you can do what you want without any consequences. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:

    It’s a good job this story came out because I had never heard of her before.


    I assume she’s revelling in the limelight due to her extremely high morals and not because she leaked it herself for a bit of publicity. 

    Who cares to be honest. [emoji38]

  5. 1 minute ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Yeah. I’ve seen people put ‘it’s only a year’ but it’s Andy fucking Carroll. Can understand Fernandez & Schar getting an extra 12 months because they’d still likely be squad players even under a takeover for a season.

    Yeah Fernandez and Schar are good enough premier league players. Carroll clearly isnt and is a waste of a space with Gayle if there was a new owner. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Pilko said:


    Another way of looking at that is that they're all saleable assets and in the event we are taken over and buy better players we can move them on for a fee.


    Or, most likely, nobody knows what's going to result and just have to work on the presumption of nothing happening and planning for that.

    I think we'd struggle to shift some of the big wages, Ritchie, Shelvey, Gayle to other clubs. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    I try to be optimistic about it but I just don’t see how. If the PL were in the wrong or if PIF really wanted us, surely now is the time we’d expect this going through. None of this ‘wait’ nonsense. Would we really be giving people like Clark, Murphy & Gayle new deals the last few months if things were imminent, knowing that they’ll be wanting to sign their own players shortly? Nothing adds up to me.

    Similarly with Carroll if the rumours are true about another year. Especially this early in the window. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Why aren’t they putting pressure on the PL? Public comments saying they’re hopeful they’ll get the decision in their favour and what have you? There’s bugger all. Pre season starts in a few weeks and as it stands we still have Steve fucking Bruce and an average squad. If they were wanting this surely they’d be doing everything to get this done ASAP so they can get their manager in place, sign players before other clubs snap them up, etc.

    Why indeed?

  9. 4 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:


    Three people immediately jumping in on the back of a fairly innocuous/factual comment. And people wonder why these threads just descend into utter bollocks…

    Complete inability from some to laugh at anything in this thread is the problem, no matter how light hearted a comment may be. Same problem with acknowledging that something which is posted may be incorrect. 

  10. The fee is proving a problem for Armstrong, even with our "discount". I reckon we're more likely to take the risk of waiting a year and getting him for nothing when his contract is up. 

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