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Everything posted by GWN

  1. Another day, seems less pissy knickers stuff in the press today, wonder if we have come through the worst of the shitstorm for now.? Tick fucking tock
  2. Best advice, log off and watch out for the news , it's doing all our heads in.
  3. I agree , I’m keeping out of it, this is supposed to be the fun, exciting, nervous best thread ever, it’s a fucking minefield all of a sudden.
  4. Yes, it’s just we are reading about it, no others fans around the country really give a fuck, we are in this takeover bubble and see everything . Let’s all relax.
  5. Lip service for BeIN/Qatar. "We looked into it, but we couldn't knock it back." Plus our new number 9 in shot
  6. Didn't they say social distancing would last all year in the briefing today? That's watching matches fucked
  7. I unfollowed them months ago, that showed them They are showing themselves up now like.
  8. All paves the way. Just a matter of when now . Oh my :frantic:
  9. Think we all need to keep off the internet for a couple of days
  10. Struggling to see football back the way it was till next year.
  11. I read that in his stupid accent he has
  12. GWN


    What a cunt of a buy Rodwell was mind
  13. GWN

    Match tickets

    Season ticket sorted for next season if it ever happens ? Mate from down south can’t get now, I can have it Happy lad today, dunno if i will get to use it mind for a while.He didn’t even want the money up front, result.
  14. Have we all calmed down a bit now Fuck me every day we have a mini crisis.
  15. Not sure why Ramadan will hold it up? Muslims can’t eat /drink /smoke/have sex between sunrise and sunset and a bit of prayer in between. Crack on man
  16. This came out last night mate, it’s what we are discussing
  17. To be fair a drawn out process will heighten the bandwagon moral haters having a pop at the Saudis, the PL will I agree want to get this through quick now. There’s a feeling , just a feeling this could get done if not this week next.Fingers crossed.
  18. GWN


    You could post £350 m through that gap in his teeth
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